ACCG, AccoinGreen, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency

AccoinGreen – A decentralised innovative payment network that enables instant and secure payments over the counter (OTC).


BEP-20 is a standard used by the Binance Smart Chain. It is a standardized form for Ethereum tokens and is designed to complement each other. The BEP-20 standard provides a standard for how a token can be spent, who can spend it, and its overall usage. While this standard is not yet used by every cryptocurrency, it is expected to become a widely accepted standard in the coming years. The current system is not easy to navigate. Typical transactions can take days to complete, and the account owner must add the payee first before they can send money. The payment system also incurs fees and taxes because of the intermediaries, and it is difficult to make a transaction on a timely basis.

AccoinGreen aims to revolutionize the payments industry by removing many middlemen, Although BEP-20 is a standard that can be used to create new tokens on various blockchains, BEP-20 does not have widespread support. It only supports Ethereum and the Binance smart chain. It is intended to drive mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies, and their inclusion is critical to the future of the industry. In addition, the AccoinGreen project is working to stop global warming and plans to support other green causes in the future. Like the ERC-20, the BEP-20 is an extension of the Binance Smart Chain. It is a flexible token format. Whether the token is part of a business or a dollar held in a bank vault, it must meet the BEP-20 standard. And the BEP20 protocol can be used with Binance Smart Chain to make transactions. The BEP-20 token standard has been widely used for several years. The BEP-20 protocol is a great way to develop new cryptocurrencies. In fact, the BEP-20 standard is now the most used token on Binance. Its purpose is to enable developers to create and manage different types of crypto assets. This includes Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Discussion of the AccoinGreen Project.

Australian Crypto Coin PTY LTD issues $ACCG, a family-built, operated, and run company in Queensland and registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. This is straight off inviting because Australia has some of the strictest crypto regulations, and the project is willing to comply. This is a hot-red token that just reached the public sale stage from a project that started in early 2021.

According to the white paper, the company plans to keep 30% of tokens and put 70% in escrow to be gradually distributed in the market and the token utility increase in the ecosystem. The project begs to differ from your average token with a quadrillion supply and will use 1% of the gross turnover to buy carbon credits and bring the world closer to zero net carbon emissions (hence, they have “green” in the token name).

$ACCG aims to upgrade payment modes in finance, e-commerce, and the supply chain. It targets the digital-world problems that demand attention, like the slow payment process, outdated payment options, multiple taxes and fees, harmful environmental impact by PoW blockchains, the significant carbon footprint of slow legacy processes, and the presence of various intermediaries. $ACCG sees the key to streamlining the payment infrastructure and fixing the above issues in integrating blockchain and crypto. First off, the project company wants to integrate $ACCG in its other existing ventures in advertising, e-commerce, social media, and payments. Later, it will seek wider adoption for its payment platform, creating infinite opportunities targeted at individual investors and traders.

In a recent AMA, the project team revealed that they work on token integration on several platforms to enable product and service purchases in $ACCG worldwide. According to a community admin, $ACCG staking kicks in January. The plans for 2022 include extensive marketing and PR, including audience outside of the crypto circle, in Q1 and expansion of the product lines into verticals in Q3.

This is the first cryptocurrency venture by the Australian Crypto Coin. They plan to issue more valuable cryptos and move them to a blockchain network of their own in the future. Their mission is to combat global problems with every new token creation with its benefits. The team expressed that they are open to suggestions from the community regarding the future development directions and invite contributors/ambassadors.

$ACCG has just launched. As you read this, its IEO is ongoing on Coinsbit and ends at noon UTC on January 18, 2022. See the link below, and mind that full KYC is required for participants. It’s nice to have new projects that address real problems, contribute to great causes, and make our world a better place.

AccoinGreen Mission.

Its mission is to change the way people do business in the digital world. It aims to improve payment systems in finance, e-commerce and supply chain. This cryptocurrency platform will eliminate many of the problems plaguing the digital world. These include slow payment processing, inefficient payment systems, and a lot of fees and taxes. The AccoinGreen Network is a blockchain built for the environment. The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint through its mining process. The main advantage of this cryptocurrency is its low energy source. Compared to other currencies, it is also an eco-friendly alternative. Moreover, it supports the most popular digital currencies. These advantages can help you make a smart decision about whether to invest in it or not.

Explanation of Using AccoinGreen.

  • Dexs and Trading – Trading on decentralized Exchanges ensure traders can buy and sell their tokens with low exchange fees, faster transaction processing, with full control of their assets. AccoinGreen exchange will provide a marketplace which will allow users to trade with very low exchange fees, faster transaction settlement and have full control of their assets. Also users will have access to derivatives trading, margin trading, and token swaps on the decentralized exchange.
  • Tokenization – One of the unique feature of DeFi is the ability to create built-in functionalities. Grand token is a digital assets that is built, issued, and incorporated on the blockchain. It is transferable between wallets of users with ease. Tokenization of assets involves representation of physical assets (Cars, artifact, real estate etc.) with a digital assets on the blockchain. AccoinGreen will support Tokenization of assets on the platform which will allow users to access, trade and store tokenized assets.
  • Staking – Due to the upgrade to Ethereum 2.0 which is scheduled to occur this year, users will be able to stake their Ether and earn passive rewards, either as a staking validators or providers. Also users will be able to stake their AccoinGreen token and get rewarded in returns.
  • Savings – AccoinGreen will allow users to lend their tokens with interest which will be paid at the end of the lending period. Usually it is much more better than the traditional method of saving funds, as the interest is much more higher with DeFi products like AccoinGreen.
  • Prediction Market – This aspect of AccoinGreen will provide blockchain-based prediction markets where users will be able to vote and trade on the outcome of events. AccoinGreen betting Platform will feature prediction markets such as sport games, economic affairs, election results, and much more.
  • Payments – Payments from one user to another will be securely and transparently executed flawlessly without the involvement of middlemen intermediaries on the platform. Without any doubt, it will create banking services for the unbanked population that really need to access Financial services.
  • Marketplace – The marketplace on AccoinGreen platform will allow exchange of goods and services from one user to another with simple clicks. Goods – like gold and diamond, and services – like freelance can be accessed on the AccoinGreen marketplace.
  • Lending and Borrowing – Lending and Borrowing has been the recent trend in DeFi platforms for the past years. AccoinGreen participants will enjoy amazing interest in crypto from providing to the lending pools. The borrowers and lenders are matched together via the AccoinGreen smart contract which calculates the interest rates based on the ratio of borrowed to provided assets.
  • Gaming – BEP 20 Blockchain gives the opportunity to the developers to incorporate DeFi protocols into the platform. BSC-based games will be easy to build on the AccoinGreen gaming Platform.

Asset Management – Without no doubt, using DeFi products like AccoinGreen, you are in total control of your crypto assets. AccoinGreen crypto wallets will allow users to seamlessly and securely interact with DeFi apps to buy, sell, and transfer crypto funds without the middlemen. All data are securely safe since it is only the owner of the wallet that has access to it.

$ACCG Token decentralized

Hence, it can be used by anyone. The currency is also compatible with all kinds of cryptocurrencies. The $ACCG token can be purchased and used in retail and other businesses. Additionally, it is free from any fees and has many advantages. This makes ACCoinGreen a valuable investment for those looking for a crypto-friendly cryptocurrency.As an environmental cryptocurrency, it has many advantages. The platform uses only one millionth of the energy that Bitcoin does. This means that the coin does not use energy at all. Rather, it is a carbon neutral and eco-friendly option. The powerledger network has been created in Australia in 2014. It has received $26 million in its initial coin offering. Its website is green, and it is compatible with the Stellar Network. It has a community-based model that eliminates many fees associated with cross-border payments and network maintenance.

For More Details Information:

Whitepaper :


#ACCG #AccoinGreen #Giveaway #ICO #BSC #AMA #aladdincenter #bounty


Username: gomess1
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2643069
ACCG address on Coinsbit: 0xe2701F59F73CAAc3e5C23629AaDB83F6F6364cee

POA Link:

Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ethereum, exchange, ICO, IEO

Freelanex – Leverage the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to build the largest and most trusted online work environment.




What is FreelaneX?

Freelanex is a decentralized platform which provides an environmental system on Blockchain. It represents a unique opportunity for approaching bargains by using a decentralized system with smart contracts, through an user friendly interface. Freelanex introduces a pellucid and trustworthy transactions system and the employee protection rights protects the freelancers from fraudulent and unprincipled practices – a hence win-win situation on both ends. Freelanex utilizes the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to build the largest and most trusted online work environment.


Freelanex Mission

We believe in empowering freelancers and providing them with a trusted environment to connect with job opportunities everywhere, anywhere and at any time. We have recognized that the environment for freelancers and clients is very volatile at this moment, and we are on a mission to build trust and a pleasant workspace forall.

Freelanex Vision

Freelanex connects millions of freelancers around the world with job opportunities through a real work environment created to promote collaboration, transparency and payment security. Freelanex is leveraging the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to build the largest and most trusted online workspace environment for freelancers swhile allowing them to invest and benefit equally through platform scalability. We envision a future where freelancers all over the world will have unrestricted access to growth and trust while working online.


Why Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain can guarantee transactions agreed between freelancers and their clients by using smart contracts. Smart contracts are used to merge contract conditions making automatic decisions – according to the rules of the blockchain and smart contracts – for each person in the network as well as transactions on the ledger.

Freelanex utilizes the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to build the largest and most trusted online work environment.

Market Overview

  • Lack of general principles
  • Lack of high speed and ease of distribution and confidence
  • Reliable transaction control and high fees for independent sites
  • Modification of the agreement between the two parties and violation of the Convention
  • Sometimes it is difficult to receive payments from clients and transactions are canceled
  • There is no process for validating data included on both sides to confirm transparency or accuracy.
  • It takes time to find supply and demand, and sometimes, if there is one, it is inefficient and unreliable.
  • There is no smooth and transparent way of trust that can be used to benefit both parties.


System Solution Provided

  • Ease of use
    • Through a flexible, smart and efficient user interface for everyone
  • Smart Contract
    • Through the use of smart contracts, guarantees are available to users without intermediary intervention.
  • Perfect security
    • We strive to ensure the security of all transactions.
  • There are no geographical obstacles
    • There will be no geographical barriers between users who communicate and work from anywhere and at any time.
  • Customer service
    • Customers can instantly find the services they need anytime.
  • Transaction fee
    • This is different from other platforms in terms of high transaction costs, because transaction costs on the Just platform (from 8% to 10%)
  • Ongoing support
    • Continued technology support for platforms through the use of artificial intelligence mechanisms in the system.
  • courses
    • Offering free and paid courses to provide a variety of jobs for people who want to apply for a freelancer
  • See Transaction
    • Review and evaluate information through product audits and evaluations for all parties.



Freelanex combines every element of the platform to form an ecosystem that is able to provide trust and transparency to users and ensure the rights of both parties.



With Blockchain you can guarantee transactions that are agreed between freelancers and their clients by using smart contracts. Smart contracts are used to combine contract conditions for making automatic decisions – according to blockchain rules and smart contracts – for everyone on the network and transactions in the ledger. As we have said, Freelanex is a decentralized platform that provides an environmental system on the Blockchain. Thanks to that, freelancers and their potential clients will easily connect – have the opportunity to work together in a trustworthy ecosystem – where all work relationships will be managed by our Smart Contract and will be guaranteed thanks to the use of blockchain technology. All transactions between Freelancers and clients are irreversible, transparent and trustworthy. In addition, our system will be strong and resistant to all violations to protect Blockchain data storage.

To provide security for users on the Blockchain there are standards and features, which will be automatically implemented by Blockchain – programming with smart contracts, to enable data validation in less than one second:

  • Payment guarantee
  • KYC
  • Legal conditions
  • Security



The total supply of tokens for FLXC is 10 billion. As many as 5,000,000,000 tokens must be offered in future sales. FLXC will be listed on one of the main exchanges before IEO follows the initial token sale, and will become publicly available for exchange and trading. Any unsold tokens will be stored by Freelanex and allocated for Reserves to the Freelanex ecosystem development and growth platforms, communities and partners.



Allocation Funds

All amounts obtained through ICO will only be dedicated to the development of the Freelanex Platform.




Sales Token

Symbol Token: FLXC
Token Name: Freelanex
Token Type: ERC20
Total Supply Tokens: 10,000,000,000 FLXC
Cost of 1 FLXC Token: 0.004 USD
Soft Cap: 1,000,000 USD
Hard Cap: 10,000,000 USD
Accepted Currencies: BTC and ETH
Whitelist: Yes
KYC (Know Your Client): Yes, through exchange



Freelanex summary


What is Freelanex Platform?

Freelanex is leveraging the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to build the largest and most trusted online workspace environment, by connecting freelancers with millions of employers and job opportunities.

What is FLXC Token?

  • The FLXC Token is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency (based on the Ethereum protocol) possible
  • peer-to-peer compensation and payments, based on smart contracts on the blockchain platform.

How does Smart Contracts work on Freelanex?

The FreelaneX smart contract will be stored in a decentralized blockchain, and is legally binding to all parties. Due to the distribution warehouse protocol, each process within the network will be recorded in a transparent, publicly verifiable manner, with full counterfeit protection.

On which exchanges we can purchase FLXC Token?

IEO Token sale will be live on multiple exchanges same time, we will announce the exchange, date and time through our telegram channels and social media, stay tuned!

What is the architecture platform of freelanex?

Freelanex is a completely decentralized platform which leverages all the underlying features of blockchain technology i.e Trust, Transparency and Security.

Does Freelanex have a native token?

Yes, Freelanex does have an ERC20 type native utility token (FLXC).

Roadmap freelancers

roadmap freelanex

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ANN Thread:

Author: gomess1
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2643069
ETH: 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F