Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, gold, goldario

Goldario – Revolutionary Project for Global Stocks in the Digital Economy


What is Goldario?

Goldario is the world’s first platform that strives to revolutionize the eco-cycle of mining of precious metals (gold), stones (emeralds), jewelery manufacturing and retail business. This financial instrument is a digitized share in gold and emerald mines and in-house jewelery production for the world market. Goldario is created to Manage the Diversification of the Investment Portfolio and Reducing the Risks of Investment in Crypto-Currencies.

Goldario has a positive implication for the world to adopt Crypto Technology as Standardized Currencies already been used in all Countries of the World, the reason behind its Secure Implication is based on Goldario’s assets of Emeralds and Gold Mines, Jewelry Brand, Crypto Exchange business locally operating in Brasil, Jewelry Factory and moreover All businesses are properly Licensed with years of Stability and still moving towards success.

Goldario is a Revolutionary Project of Global Shares in Digital Economy.

  • Goldario is the world’s First-Ever Platform that strives to Revolutionize the Eco-cycle of Mining of Precious Metals (gold), Mining of Precious Stones (emeralds), Jewelry manufacturing and Retail Business of Jewelry.
  • Our Teams Expertise to provide a completely revolutionized Eco-cycle for the precious metals, stones and manufacturing process of Jewelry in a seamless, efficient, cost-effective way, and with higher returns.


Goldario Vision and Mission

Vision Goldario

  • We envision to revolutionize the entire eco-style of the jewelry industry by utilizing emerging technologies namely blockchain, cryptography, smart contracts, AI and Fintech. We aim to create an ecosystem where we make it easy for individuals – whether ordinary consumers or institutional investors – to invest in businesses that are supported by a complete ecosystem of precious metals, stone and jewelry factories & retail businesses, while also maintaining security, auditing capabilities and liquidity.

Mission Goldario

  • Goldario aims to be the world’s leading choice platform for consumers and businesses engaged in the jewelry industry. It seeks to enable users to acquire and own physical mining rights, jewelry manufacturing plants and jewelry retail businesses from around the world, and by doing so, create assets that underlie potential support for Goldario (GLD) Tokens.


Liquidity and Accessibility

By exchanging trusted digital assets, Goldario gives users the opportunity to easily liquidate, access and exchange valuable commodities, namely metals and precious stones through GLD Tokens, which can be exchanged in crypto trade exchanges and can also be used for peer-to-peer exchanges of value. Built as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, GLD Tokens can be easily moved or traded anywhere in the world, 24/7.

Lower Investment Limit

Unlike traditional startups or early-stage companies, where the entry of a person with low investment is almost impossible, Goldario through commodity tokenisation and its business model offers a lower investment minimum.

Trusted and Regulated

Goldario is regulated by the Estonian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA) and its parent company ESC Management AS is a public company in Estonia.

Underlying Business Potential

Goldario deals with potential businesses that have an estimated market valuation of more than 480 billion USD in the next 5 years. In this way, the original token, the GLD Token, will capture income from the underlying business activities, helping to record value growth.

Data transparency

Traceability and transparency are very important in the various steps involved in the precious metal supply chain. US ESC Management tracks the progress of the companies they invest in.

Passive income

Get periodic dividends to hold your assets through a pre-determined trustworthy smart contract. All income and profit distributions are monitored and audited by third party evaluators and auditors, ensuring that token holders get the best return on their investment.


Why Goldario Token will be the Global Leader in the Digital Economy?

  • Goldario Tokens will offer a significantly lower fee than any other major online payment systems allowing users to send, receive or perform any Goldario Tokens at minimum costs in the Future.
  • For digital assets and the network, Goldario Token will use Ethereum based proof of work consensus for transaction confirmation, ensuring that no hackers or bad actors can manipulate any transaction.


Goldario – The Money Stone Digital Token.

Goldario Token is an ERC-20 token that is deployed on the Ethereum block-chain network and serves as a truly democratic, decentralized, community-governed digital-asset backed by underlying business covering the entire Eco-cycle of precious metal, precious stones and their retail business. Goldario Token will provide its holders – whether individuals with lower investment minimums, high net-worth individuals, and organizations – with a powerful decentralized tool of exchange value. Moreover, it will create a complete ecosystem for precious metals and stones i.e., their mining operations, jewelry manufacturing.

Goldario’s Token is backed by modern-age Digital Smart Contracts management entity that redefines the entire Eco-cycle for precious metals, stones, and jewelry, right from the initial stage i.e mining to manufacturing and retail sale.


GLD Token is an ERC20 deployment token on the Ethereum network blockchain that works as a

financial instrument offering a digitized share in the underlying gold and emerald mines and in-house jewelery production for the world market. The token can serve as a store of value while also enabling peer to peer exchange of value in a trust-based blockchain environment.

WHY Choose GLD Coin?


  • GLD Token is decentralized and community-owned. Deployed on Ethereum Network, it ensures no central point of failures or bureaucratic manipulations.

Minimum Fees

  • GLD Tokens will offer a significantly lower fee than any other major online payment systems enabling users to send, receive or perform any GLD Tokens at minimal costs.

Easy Transactions

  • Exchange and transfer of GLD Tokens is as easy as sending an email. All you need is to download any existing ERC20 Token supporting wallet.


  • GLD Tokens can easily be exchanged for fiat such as USD, EURO and Pound. Moreover, it can also be redeemed against other commodities such as Gems and jewelery via the Goldario Platform.


  • For digital assets and the network, GLD Tokens use Ethereum based proof of work consensus for transaction confirmation, ensuring that no hackers or bad actors can manipulate any transaction.

The Utility

  • Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies whose value depends on speculations and market supply and demand hype, GLD Token has a direct utility within the Goldario ecosystem where it can be exchanged against precious metals and stones.

Passive Income

  • Get access to passive income by purchasing and holding GLD Tokens. After a certain time, revenue captured from the business activities are distributed among token holders proportional to their holdings.

Allocation Token

  • Sold through Block Processor 5%
  • Bonus allocation at BP 15%
  • Exchange Sales 20%
  • Sales discount of 10%
  • 50% Bounty Representative

Fund Distribution Plan

  • 60% direct investment
  • Marketing and Bounce 30%
  • 4% operation
  • 3% platform development
  • Team Development 2%
  • Founding Team 1%


The Goldario platform bootstraps its own transaction reward ecosystem, starting with platform users who promote the token-sale (both private sale round and the main public offering) and the project by referring it to others. In what follows below describes the different stages of the token-driven ecosystem built around the transaction platform, which can be exchanged for cryptocurrency and / or local currency in arbitrary amounts.


goldario Maps



For more information about this project see the link below:








Author: gomess1
ETH: 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F
aureusnummus, banking, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, gold

Aureus Nummus – Era baru dalam pembayaran dari dunia digital

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Apakah Aureus Nummus itu?

Aureus Nummus (“AN”) adalah mata uang dan aset digital yang didukung emas secara fisik atau setara emas dan berfungsi sebagai alat pembayaran dan tabungan internasional. Secara historis, Aureus Nummus adalah koin emas yang paling berharga di Kerajaan Romawi.

Aureus Nummus adalah era baru dalam pembayaran dari dunia digital. Karena sifatnya yang anti-destruktif dengan nilai intrinsik, Aureus Nummus jelas merupakan pilihan yang tepat saat ini. Ada banyak manfaat bagi pengguna jika mereka memiliki token Aureus Nummus Gold, termasuk Aureus Nummus juga melayani non-perbankan di dunia, sehingga pengguna tidak perlu memiliki kartu kredit untuk dapat melakukan pembelian dan pertukran. Mereka hanya perlu mengonversi ke mata uang fiat dari setiap pengguna. Apakah sesuai dengan pilihan uang atau mata uang lainnya, sesuai dengan pilihan masing-masing.

Aureus Nummus berbasis teknologi AI, dan berjalan pada suatu kontrak pintar Ethereum. Hasilnya, Aureus Nummus berjalan persis sesuai yang di program tanpa kemungkinan gangguan penghentian, penyensuran, penipuan, dan pihak ketiga. Protokolnya mengeliminasi secara lengkap kebutuhan untuk mempercayai perantara, karena setiap transaksi diverifikasi dan dikonfirmasi oleh komunitas publik dengan transparansi lengkap.

Mengirim dan menerima pembayaran dimanapun di dunia menjadi mudah, cepat dan murah dengan Aureus Nummus.

Dibandingkan transaksi bank reguler, dimana tidak hanya lebih mahal dibanding Aureus Nummus, namun juga rentan terhadap pencurian dan penipuan – sebaliknya ke transaksi aman Aureus Nummus. Hacker dapat mencuri informasi pembayaran bank dari pedagang, tetapi pada kasus Aureus Nummus, mencuri alamat Aureus Nummus adalah sangat percuma karena untuk suatu transaksi menjadi sah, harus ditandai oleh kunci pribadi yang berhubungan, dimana pengguna tidak perlu membagi dengan siapapun untuk melakukan suatu pembayaran. Dan Aureus Nummus adalah penggabungan inovasi teknologi revolusioner dengan cryptocurrency, dan dihargai sama dengan emas fisik sehingga harga akan tetap stabil.

Stablecoin adalah cryptocurrency yang memiliki harga tetap. Aset semacam itu terkait dengan uang kertas atau barang fisik. Jadi, mereka bisa meraih kemenangan dengan kecepatan logam mulia. Keuntungan penting dari stablecoin adalah pentingnya nilai tukar mereka pada fluktuasi pasar dan lebih sedikit dari cryptocurrency tradisional.

Spesifikasi stablecoin oleh Aureus Nummus

Aureus Nummus adalah proyek yang menciptakan cryptocurrency ANG. Aset crypto ini mewakili alat pembayaran dan tabungan global yang didukung oleh emas asli atau setara emas. Aset-aset ini disimpan dalam cadangan di rekening kepercayaan. Ini memberikan dukungan nilai ANG.

Koin ini adalah alternatif dari mata uang fiat tradisional dan layanan perbankan. Berkat blockchain, instrumen ini memiliki kemampuan untuk melacak dan secara langsung memberikan nilai pada emas. Dan Aureus Nummus dapat digunakan juga untuk melayani populasi yang tidak memiliki rekening bank. Orang-orang seperti itu diberikan akses ke solusi pembayaran dan tabungan.

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Fitur Utama Aureus Nummus,

• Tidak memerlukan rekening bank dan kartu kredit,

Pengguna yang ingin memiliki dan ingin berinvestasi di Aureus Nummus, mereka tidak perlu memiliki rekening bank atau kartu kredit. Karena pengguna yang ingin membeli Aureus Nummus, mereka hanya perlu mengonversi dari Aureus Nummus ke mata uang lain dan sebaliknya.

• Desentralisasi,

Dibangun berdasarkan teknologi blockhain, Aureus Nummus memiliki sifat terdesentralisasi. Dimana semua transaksi dilakukan tanpa pihak ketiga.

• Sumber terbuka,

Berdasarkan informasi yang jelas, jika token Aureus Nummus Token memang memiliki emas fisik. Dan pengguna yang ingin membeli Token Aureus Nummus, dapat memperoleh informasi yang jelas tentang produk ini, secara jelas dan transparan.

• Pasokan tetap – tidak dapat diubah selamanya,

Jumlah Token Aureus Nummus yang beredar di pasar sesuai dengan jumlah Emas fisik yang disimpan dalam dompet kepercayaan. Dan semua ini bertujuan untuk menjaga harga Token stabil.

• Bebas inflasi,

Karena Aureus Nummus dipatok berdasarkan nilai emas batangan, ini akan membuat nilai harga Aureus Nummus stabil dan tidak terpengaruh oleh inflasi.

• Didukung oleh emas,

Harga minimum yang dipatok untuk batangan emas, tetapi yang tidak memiliki harga maksimum. Dukungan emas membuat nilai Aureus Nummus stabil dan volatilitas harga jauh berkurang, sementara potensi kenaikan harga tetap terjaga. Uang itu tidak dibuat dari apa pun seperti mata uang fiat dan crypto.

Mengapa Kita Memilih Aureus Nummus ???

Tentu saja untuk pedagang dan pengguna, sudah pasti jika kita menginginkan cara pembayaran dan investasi yang tepat. Karena itu Aureus Nummus adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk kita saat ini. Karena memiliki beberapa nilai lebih, termasuk:

. • Kepercayaan,

Kepercayaan itu penting dalam kolaborasi. Saling terbuka dan transparan. Didukung oleh kontrak yang cerdas, Aureus Nummus akan menghilangkan kekhawatiran tentang kerja sama. Karena melalui kontrak pintar ini semua transaksi yang terjadi antara kedua belah pihak akan dicatat dalam transaksi kontrak pintar ini. Dan kecurangan akan segera diketahui, jika itu terjadi

• Kemandirian,

Melalui sistem desentralisasi, Aureus Nummus bekerja secara independen tanpa pihak ketiga. Karena semua kerja sama didasarkan pada kontrak pintar yang ada dan tanpa pihak ketiga yang relevan. Tentu saja ini akan menyebabkan biaya kecil yang dikeluarkan dalam setiap transaksi yang dilakukan.

• Keamanan,

Melalui sistem teknologi buku besar dan jaringan terdistribusi, Aureus Nummus setiap transaksi yang dilakukan akan aman. Dan berdasarkan bantuan dari teknologi blockhain, pengguna akan terlindungi dari peretas. Mengapa demikian ?? Karena keamanan Aureus Nummus, ia dilindungi oleh sistem kriptografi yang menjamin keamanan transaksi yang terjadi, dan tentu saja peretas tidak akan memiliki akses ke akun Anda.

• kecepatan,

Dengan menggunakan teknologi blockhain, Aureus Nummus memiliki kecepatan saat bertransaksi. Semua transaksi otomatis, instan, dan aman. Dan tentunya ini nilai lebih yang dimiliki oleh Aureus Nummus jika dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metode transaksi tradisional. Dan ini adalah cara baru dalam bisnis modern.

• Barang Palsu,

Dengan teknologi berbasis blockhain, Aureus Nummus dapat melacak semua transaksi yang terjadi. Selain itu, Aureus Nummus dapat mendeteksi keberadaan barang palsu, melalui bantuan kode kriptografi yang dimiliki oleh Aureus Nummus. Karena itu bertujuan untuk memberikan layanan maksimal dan aman bagi pengguna di ekosistem Aureus Nummus.

Aureus Nummus crypto solution

Pemegang koin ini dapat mengubahnya kembali menjadi emas atau setara dengan emas kapan saja. Tingkat konversi tetap konstan dan tidak tergantung pada fluktuasi harga pasar: 100.000 ANG sama dengan 1 ons emas batangan.

1 ons emas batangan berharga sekitar 1.500 Dolar AS. Sesuai dengan biaya ini, 1 koin ANG sama dengan sekitar 0,015 Dolar AS.

Koin Aureus Nummus tidak dapat ditambang. Pasokan ANG adalah tetap dan terbatas. Dan transaksi yang terkait dengan pengiriman dan penerimaan ANG bersifat instan dan anonim.


Aureus Nummus adalah untuk melayani populasi yang tidak memiliki rekening bank di dunia dengan memberi mereka akses yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk solusi pembayaran dan tabungan, dan untuk memberikan alternatif bagi mereka yang ingin melengkapi layanan perbankan yang ada dan kepemilikan mata uang fiat.

Nilai satu koin Aureus Nummus telah sengaja ditetapkan pada kurs US-Dollar untuk membantu konsumen dan perusahaan dengan pembayaran dan penyelesaian faktur dan transaksi kecil.


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Sebastian Guido Hable

Sebastian adalah CEO Aureus Nummus Management Corp. Dia bertanggung jawab atas manajemen perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Ia berspesialisasi dalam rekayasa genetika dan jaringan saraf. Sebastian mengawasi seluruh manajemen dan hubungan masyarakat. Misinya adalah untuk membawa layanan pembayaran kepada mereka yang tidak memiliki atau akses terbatas ke layanan perbankan .


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Yenifer Delgado Lopera

Yenifer mengelola seluruh urusan administrasi, akuntansi dan peraturan. Sepanjang karirnya, Yenifer telah membantu perusahaan teknologi dan komoditas mendorong perubahan mendasar dalam industri keuangan. Dia adalah pakar industri di blockchain dan komoditas. Yenifer juga bekerja dengan perusahaan industri, bisnis, organisasi dan pemerintah untuk membantu membentuk praktik pembayaran baru.


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Jacob G. Julius, Ph.D

Jacob adalah seorang fisikawan dengan pelatihan dan bertanggung jawab untuk pengembangan teknis keseluruhan dari aureus Nummus dan pengelolaan seluruh aspek teknis operasi bisnis perusahaan serta aureus Nummus


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Bernhard Glawitsch, Ph.D

Dr Glawitsch adalah nasihat kepala Aureus global yang Nummus operasi. Dia membawa lebih dari 30 tahun pengalaman hukum ke peran dengan keahlian di bidang jasa keuangan dan urusan regulasi.


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Carlos Andres Zarate

Carlos, seperti Jacob, pensiunan anggota LEAF, mengelola bisnis logam dan komoditas yang berharga. Dia memiliki 20+ tahun pengalaman kepemimpinan dalam pengembangan bisnis, perencanaan strategis, operasi bisnis dan pengembangan perusahaan. Dia khususnya bertanggung jawab untuk sumber emas.


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Celeste Paras

Celeste adalah direktur pemasaran merek, dengan 13 tahun pengalaman dalam mengelola tim global dan kampanye. Latar belakangnya dalam strategi merek, manajemen media sosial, dan hubungan investasi menginformasikan pendekatan yang sadar namun kompetitif. Dia adalah lulusan dari Tarlac State University dengan jurusan Administrasi Bisnis dan kewirausahaan.



Quantum Computing Labs Corporation

Tim berbasis AS Quantum Computing Labs Corporation, Dr Jacob, Rakesh, Tom, Priyank dan lain-lain memberikan kontribusi dengan perangkat lunak dan teknologi canggih untuk proyek dan pengembangan lebih lanjut. Dia mengkhususkan diri dalam AI, Robotika, pembelajaran mesin, pembelajaran mendalam, blockchain dan bertanggung jawab untuk soliditas, convolutional pemrograman jaringan saraf dan rekayasa perangkat lunak lainnya. Tim ini juga telah mengandung fase dua dari aureus Nummus Gold, di mana mereka menerapkan keahlian 20 + tahun mereka di AI dan jaringan saraf.

Anda dapat memperoleh informasi lebih lanjut tentang proyek di sini:

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Penulis : gomess1

Tautan Akun bitcointalk :;u=2643069

ETH: 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F

Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ethereum, exchange, ICO, IEO

Freelanex – Leverage the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to build the largest and most trusted online work environment.




What is FreelaneX?

Freelanex is a decentralized platform which provides an environmental system on Blockchain. It represents a unique opportunity for approaching bargains by using a decentralized system with smart contracts, through an user friendly interface. Freelanex introduces a pellucid and trustworthy transactions system and the employee protection rights protects the freelancers from fraudulent and unprincipled practices – a hence win-win situation on both ends. Freelanex utilizes the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to build the largest and most trusted online work environment.


Freelanex Mission

We believe in empowering freelancers and providing them with a trusted environment to connect with job opportunities everywhere, anywhere and at any time. We have recognized that the environment for freelancers and clients is very volatile at this moment, and we are on a mission to build trust and a pleasant workspace forall.

Freelanex Vision

Freelanex connects millions of freelancers around the world with job opportunities through a real work environment created to promote collaboration, transparency and payment security. Freelanex is leveraging the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to build the largest and most trusted online workspace environment for freelancers swhile allowing them to invest and benefit equally through platform scalability. We envision a future where freelancers all over the world will have unrestricted access to growth and trust while working online.


Why Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain can guarantee transactions agreed between freelancers and their clients by using smart contracts. Smart contracts are used to merge contract conditions making automatic decisions – according to the rules of the blockchain and smart contracts – for each person in the network as well as transactions on the ledger.

Freelanex utilizes the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to build the largest and most trusted online work environment.

Market Overview

  • Lack of general principles
  • Lack of high speed and ease of distribution and confidence
  • Reliable transaction control and high fees for independent sites
  • Modification of the agreement between the two parties and violation of the Convention
  • Sometimes it is difficult to receive payments from clients and transactions are canceled
  • There is no process for validating data included on both sides to confirm transparency or accuracy.
  • It takes time to find supply and demand, and sometimes, if there is one, it is inefficient and unreliable.
  • There is no smooth and transparent way of trust that can be used to benefit both parties.


System Solution Provided

  • Ease of use
    • Through a flexible, smart and efficient user interface for everyone
  • Smart Contract
    • Through the use of smart contracts, guarantees are available to users without intermediary intervention.
  • Perfect security
    • We strive to ensure the security of all transactions.
  • There are no geographical obstacles
    • There will be no geographical barriers between users who communicate and work from anywhere and at any time.
  • Customer service
    • Customers can instantly find the services they need anytime.
  • Transaction fee
    • This is different from other platforms in terms of high transaction costs, because transaction costs on the Just platform (from 8% to 10%)
  • Ongoing support
    • Continued technology support for platforms through the use of artificial intelligence mechanisms in the system.
  • courses
    • Offering free and paid courses to provide a variety of jobs for people who want to apply for a freelancer
  • See Transaction
    • Review and evaluate information through product audits and evaluations for all parties.



Freelanex combines every element of the platform to form an ecosystem that is able to provide trust and transparency to users and ensure the rights of both parties.



With Blockchain you can guarantee transactions that are agreed between freelancers and their clients by using smart contracts. Smart contracts are used to combine contract conditions for making automatic decisions – according to blockchain rules and smart contracts – for everyone on the network and transactions in the ledger. As we have said, Freelanex is a decentralized platform that provides an environmental system on the Blockchain. Thanks to that, freelancers and their potential clients will easily connect – have the opportunity to work together in a trustworthy ecosystem – where all work relationships will be managed by our Smart Contract and will be guaranteed thanks to the use of blockchain technology. All transactions between Freelancers and clients are irreversible, transparent and trustworthy. In addition, our system will be strong and resistant to all violations to protect Blockchain data storage.

To provide security for users on the Blockchain there are standards and features, which will be automatically implemented by Blockchain – programming with smart contracts, to enable data validation in less than one second:

  • Payment guarantee
  • KYC
  • Legal conditions
  • Security



The total supply of tokens for FLXC is 10 billion. As many as 5,000,000,000 tokens must be offered in future sales. FLXC will be listed on one of the main exchanges before IEO follows the initial token sale, and will become publicly available for exchange and trading. Any unsold tokens will be stored by Freelanex and allocated for Reserves to the Freelanex ecosystem development and growth platforms, communities and partners.



Allocation Funds

All amounts obtained through ICO will only be dedicated to the development of the Freelanex Platform.




Sales Token

Symbol Token: FLXC
Token Name: Freelanex
Token Type: ERC20
Total Supply Tokens: 10,000,000,000 FLXC
Cost of 1 FLXC Token: 0.004 USD
Soft Cap: 1,000,000 USD
Hard Cap: 10,000,000 USD
Accepted Currencies: BTC and ETH
Whitelist: Yes
KYC (Know Your Client): Yes, through exchange



Freelanex summary


What is Freelanex Platform?

Freelanex is leveraging the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to build the largest and most trusted online workspace environment, by connecting freelancers with millions of employers and job opportunities.

What is FLXC Token?

  • The FLXC Token is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency (based on the Ethereum protocol) possible
  • peer-to-peer compensation and payments, based on smart contracts on the blockchain platform.

How does Smart Contracts work on Freelanex?

The FreelaneX smart contract will be stored in a decentralized blockchain, and is legally binding to all parties. Due to the distribution warehouse protocol, each process within the network will be recorded in a transparent, publicly verifiable manner, with full counterfeit protection.

On which exchanges we can purchase FLXC Token?

IEO Token sale will be live on multiple exchanges same time, we will announce the exchange, date and time through our telegram channels and social media, stay tuned!

What is the architecture platform of freelanex?

Freelanex is a completely decentralized platform which leverages all the underlying features of blockchain technology i.e Trust, Transparency and Security.

Does Freelanex have a native token?

Yes, Freelanex does have an ERC20 type native utility token (FLXC).

Roadmap freelancers

roadmap freelanex

To get even more accurate information please visit the link below:

ANN Thread:

Author: gomess1
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2643069
ETH: 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F