Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ICO

HADA DBANK – Menciptakan ekosistem perbankan yang etis dan bertanggung jawab dengan teknologi blockchain


HADA DBANK adalah Bank Digital pertama yang menggabungkan Modul Perbankan Syariah dengan Teknologi Blockchain, untuk menciptakan ekosistem perbankan yang etis dan bertanggung jawab. Kami terganggu dengan penganiayaan bank dan lembaga keuangan saat ini terhadap pelanggan mereka. Pemain yang ada menghasilkan uang dari udara tipis dari hutang dan bunga. Inilah sebabnya mengapa ekonomi global telah runtuh dari waktu ke waktu, ternyata sejak abad ke-1. Kurangnya tanggung jawab yang dibebankan oleh bank cukup berani. Inilah sebabnya mengapa kami memilih menjadi bagian dari revolusi keuangan saat ini melalui pembentukan Bank, bank peduli dan pribadi.

Teknologi Blockchain memegang kenyamanan dan keamanan. Inilah sebabnya mengapa Hada DBank memilih untuk menjadi bagian dari revolusi keuangan saat ini dengan membangun bank peduli dan pribadi.

Peduli dan Pribadi: ini adalah nilai inti kami, membentuk dan mempengaruhi layanan, transaksi, interaksi dan menjalankan bisnis kami. Kata-kata ini akan memandu perilaku kita secara internal di dalam organisasi kita, dan secara eksternal dengan pelanggan dan masyarakat kita. Kami bercita-cita menjadi bank yang benar-benar peduli untuk memperbaiki kehidupan masyarakat, bukan sekadar untung dari itu. Personalisasi juga akan menjadi fokus utama layanan kami. Pelanggan yang berbeda memiliki kebutuhan yang berbeda, dan membutuhkan layanan dan perhatian yang berbeda. Pelanggan HADA DBANK akan memiliki layanan yang disesuaikan karena kami percaya, tidak semua orang bisa memakai celana yang sama.

Kami bercita-cita menjadi organisasi ‘adil’ di industri keuangan. Krisis keuangan 2007-2008 berfungsi sebagai pengingat suram bagaimana beberapa pemain yang tidak bertanggung jawab dapat mengganti seluruh industri, membuat jutaan orang mengalami reruntuhan keuangan. Perbankan syariah, karena transparansi, konsep pembagian keuntungan dan kerugian, akan meminimalkan manipulasi pasar dan menghilangkan bentrokan domino lainnya.

Tim HADA DBANK, akan mengembangkan Blockchain Digital Bank yang komprehensif yang akan membuat hidup lebih mudah bagi semua orang, terlepas dari status mereka. Mereka akan dapat melakukan aktivitas perbankan dengan biaya 0% dan pada saat yang sama menikmati layanan berkualitas dari kami. Kami di sini bukan hanya untuk keuntungan, melainkan untuk membuat keuntungan yang dibenarkan sambil memastikan pengalaman perbankan yang lebih baik.

HADA DBANK akan menjadi Bank Digital berbasis Blockchain pertama di dunia untuk memadukan Modul Perbankan Syariah dengan Teknologi Blockchain, untuk menciptakan ekosistem perbankan yang etis dan bertanggung jawab. Karena Bank Digital yang ada dan Bank Blockchain yang baru dibuat berfokus pada layanan Perbankan Konvensional, kami memilih untuk memenangkan layanan Islamic Banking karena kurangnya fasilitas tersebut. Pada tahun 2016, perbankan syariah bernilai USD 1,5 Triliun secara global.

Bank-bank Islam kurang berisiko dan lebih tangguh daripada rekan-rekan mereka, karena aspek kebutuhan modal dan mobilitas deposito bank mereka. Berbeda dengan Konvensional Banking, deposito kepada Bank Syariah berhak diberi tahu tentang apa yang bank lakukan dengan uang mereka. Mereka juga memiliki suara di mana uang mereka harus diinvestasikan. Bank syariah juga berusaha menghindari bunga di semua tingkat transaksi keuangan dan mendorong pembagian risiko antara pemberi pinjaman dan peminjam.

Ada dua prinsip dasar dalam perbankan syariah. Salah satunya adalah pembagian keuntungan dan kerugian; dan dua, secara signifikan, larangan pengumpulan dan pembayaran bunga oleh kreditor dan investor. Bunga kolektif atau «Riba» tidak diperbolehkan menurut hukum Islam. Dalam hal keuntungan, baik bank maupun pelanggannya dalam bentuk yang telah disepakati sebelumnya. Dalam kasus kerugian, semua kerugian finansial akan terjadi ditanggung oleh pemberi pinjaman. Sebagai tambahan, bank syariah tidak dapat menciptakan hutang tanpa barang dan jasa untuk mendukungnya (yaitu aset fisik termasuk mesin, peralatan, dan inventaris). Oleh karena itu, simpanan, simpanan dan investasi dengan DBank kami akan didukung oleh aset fisik seperti logam mulia dan batu permata.



Terlepas dari populasi Muslim 1,7 Miliar dan miliaran orang lainnya yang lebih memilih untuk berlangganan layanan Islamic Banking, HADA DBANK juga akan berfokus pada populasi 644,1 juta penduduk Asia Tenggara (ASEAN).

Fakta menarik tentang ASEAN:

  1. Memiliki populasi yang tidak dianggarkan sekitar 438 juta.
  2. Lebih dari separuh populasi di ASEAN berusia di bawah 30 tahun.
  3. Memiliki penetrasi pasar 854 juta smartphone atau 133% dibandingkan dengan populasi, tapi hanya 53% populasi ASEAN sedang online, yang menyisakan ruang signifikan untuk perluasan pasar di Indonesia masa depan.

Sebagai bank khusus Online, fakta ini meyakinkan kami untuk fokus pada ASEAN sebagai pasar sekunder kami. Kita dijadwalkan untuk menawarkan Layanan Perbankan Syariah kami secara bertahap pada Triwulan II tahun 2018.



  1. Gratis Encrypted Akun dan e-Wallet
  2. Tabungan dan Penarikan
  3. Transfer, Remitansi da Pertukaran
  4. Pinjaman dan Investasi
  5. Pembayaran Real-Time

Bonus POIN

Kumpulkan poin dari pembelanjaan Anda dengan e-Wallet atau Kartu Debit dan ubah menjadi uang tunai atau kriptocurrency/token untuk menghabiskan lebih banyak. Gunakan sebagai tambahan diskon untuk membayar apapun yang Anda inginkan dan simpan lebih banyak pada pembelian Anda. Anda juga dapat menggunakan poin yang dikumpulkan ke tukarkan apapun yang Anda suka di e-Mall mitra atau outlet fisik di seluruh dunia.

Bonus Referral atau Bounty saat referal anda mendaftar bersama kami melalui Kode Referral Anda.


HADA DBANK menggunakan blockchain pribadi yang disimpan di setiap node dalam jaringan. Secara default, node semuanya dikontrol oleh HADA DBANK. Beberapa node hanya menyimpan salinan blockchain dan tidak ambil bagian dalam proses konfirmatori transacton (protokol konsensus). Simpul tersebut dapat bertindak sebagai gateway node atau server backup. Node yang bertindak sebagai validator dapat ditemukan di segmen jaringan yang aman dari bank dan tersedia melalui node gateway.

Database utama inti diimplementasikan dalam struktur blockchain, dimana masing-masing blok adalah satu set transactons. Setiap blok baru mendefinisikan keadaan inti yang baru sesuai dengan keadaan blok sebelumnya. Integritas database inti disediakan oleh blockchain dan konsensus mengenai hal itu. Setiap blok terhubung secara kriptografis ke blok sebelumnya. Fitur ini memastikan kemampuan untuk memvalidasi database dan sejarah transactons pada setiap tme di masa depan. Database utama menyimpan semua data yang melewati intinya.



Kami bermaksud meningkatkan modal untuk pengembangan HADA DBANK melalui HADACoin-nya. Pembeli akan dapat menggunakan HADACoin untuk melakukan transaksi perbankan atau aktivitas harian. Pelanggan kami akan dikeluarkan dengan Kartu Debet, yang memungkinkan mereka melakukan transaksi dengan HADACoin kami, di dalam platmon perbankan atau pedagang lainnya di seluruh dunia.


Distribusi HADACoin


Harga HADACoins selama Pre-ICO

Sebanyak 500 juta HADACoins akan dikeluarkan. 295 juta koin akan ditawarkan untuk dijual. Dari 295 juta koin, 20 juta akan dialokasikan untuk investor swasta dan pembeli insttutonal. 50 Juta koin 275 Juta akan dilepaskan saat latihan PRA-ICO dan sisa 225 juta koin akan dilepaskan dalam latihan ICO kami dalam waktu dekat. 10 juta koin akan dialokasikan untuk kampanye karunia.

  • Target Pendanaan Pra-ICO
  • Soft Cap = 5.000 ETH
  • Hard Cap = 20.000 ETH



  • 35%: Modal yang dimunculkan PRA-ICO akan dialokasikan untuk penelitian dan pengembangan.
  • 30%: Untuk Pengeluaran Operasional.
  • 20%: Untuk Modal Belanja.
  • 30%: Untuk Cadangan HADA DBANK.











Prof. Emeritus Dr. Barjoyai Bardai


Yousuf Ikram


Guan Seng Khoo (PhD)


Alan Kong

Robby Schwertner

Darrell Emmanuel


Faiz Ahmed Faiz


Kevin Koo S.K.

Col. Loc Hamaka Nawi


Informarsi Detail:
Penulis : gomes1
ETH: 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F
Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ICO

Potentiam – Platform pertama untuk pembuatan dan distribusi musik blockchain




Pertarungan panjang dan pahit, merebut kendali penciptaan musik dari label musik kejam dan perusahaan yang tidak peduli. Giliran milenium melihat peer to peer network storm ke TKP, dan kemudian tersengat oleh serangan teknofobia yang kuat. Ini akan menjadi tahun sebelum streaming layanan musik digital menjadi norma, dimulai dengan iTunes sebelum berkembang menjadi puluhan platform. Tidak satu pun dari kemajuan ini telah mengubah dinamika inheren di dalam musik – Anda membutuhkan setidaknya agen dan mungkin label lengkap yang mendukung musik Anda agar terdaftar, diperhatikan, dan didistribusikan.

Munculnya teknologi blockchain bisa sama mengejutkannya dengan sistem seperti jaringan P2P asli. Dengan momentum dan daya ungkit yang tepat, ia bahkan bisa berhasil membebaskan diri dari model musik tradisional, sesuatu yang potensial ditawar oleh calon baru Potentiam ( ). Mereka platform baru dirancang untuk memberikan kekuatan kembali ke masing-masing seniman, memanfaatkan kekuatan distribusi blockchain untuk merebut kendali dari label rekaman. Kemitraan baru-baru ini telah membawa mereka lebih dari 5.000 seniman untuk menguji platform, dan untuk memulai jejaring sosial mereka.


Core Potentiam

Sebagaimana diuraikan dalam Whitepaper mereka, pondasi Potentiam adalah modul Inti yang kuat, yang menjadi dasar segalanya. Potentiam Core dibangun dari dasar sebagai jaringan sosial pribadi yang akan memungkinkan individu dalam industri musik untuk mencari satu sama lain, dan untuk mengiklankan keahlian mereka untuk berkolaborasi. Begitu tim dirakit, mereka kemudian dapat menggunakan studio produksi digital internal untuk menciptakan musik itu sendiri. Bagian studio produksi digital dari modul Potentiam Core adalah suite kerja audio berfitur lengkap yang terintegrasi langsung ke dalam jaringan blockchain.

Dari sana, mereka dapat bekerja sama dalam semua aspek penciptaan mereka, dan pada akhirnya memasarkannya langsung ke sistem manajemen katalog Potentiam Core. Database berbasis blockchain ini memiliki berbagai fitur yang akan membantu seniman mendistribusikan lisensi penggunaan kepada konsumen akhir. Ini juga memungkinkan kelompok untuk mempartisi hak cipta dengan perjanjian formal dalam sistem. Dari sana, komposisi ini tersedia untuk jaringan secara luas untuk digunakan dalam pembuatan musik mereka. Setelah pengguna lain memiliki sampel komposisi asli dan melengkapi musik mereka sendiri, produser asli diminta untuk mendapatkan persetujuan dan persyaratan lisensi. Sampai kesepakatan akhir diputuskan, karya turunan tidak dipublikasikan ke katalog artis.

Kini setelah artis itu memiliki rekaman master lengkap di katalog mereka, mereka memiliki segudang pilihan yang tersedia bagi mereka untuk didistribusikan. Di luar Core Potentiam, ada banyak modul yang dirancang untuk mendistribusikan, mempromosikan, dan mendanai karya seorang seniman. Potentiam sendiri hanya membutuhkan biaya 10-15% dari pendapatan yang dihasilkan melalui platform mereka. Hal ini sangat berbeda dengan label rekaman tradisional, yang seringkali dapat menghasilkan hingga 80% dari pendapatan artis. Ini adalah kabar baik bagi artis dan penggemar yang mencari pekerjaan mereka – biaya overhead yang lebih rendah berarti harga lebih rendah, namun pangsa pendapatan yang lebih tinggi berarti keuntungan bersih bagi produsen dibandingkan dengan model konvensional.

Modul Potentiam

Modul Distribusi Digital

  • Modul distribusi digital adalah pintu gerbang ke pasar musik internet yang mapan. Pengguna akan dapat mengakses penyedia layanan digital tradisional, seperti iTunes dan Spotify, melalui situs web modul. Dengan menggunakan sistem ini, Potentiam akan membuat integrasi DSP menjadi mulus dan sederhana, sementara juga mengelola hak digital dan royalti dalam satu lokasi.
  • Pendapatan yang dihasilkan dari penyedia layanan digital kemudian diarahkan kembali melalui sistem Potentiam dan didistribusikan melalui kontrak cerdas kepada artis asli. Ini memungkinkan artis untuk bekerja, membuat, dan mendistribusikan sepenuhnya melalui sistem Potentiam, sambil tetap memiliki akses ke basis pengguna dari pasar musik yang mapan.

Modul Distribusi Fisik

  • Sementara media fisik telah mengalami downtrend akhir-akhir ini, masih ada permintaan besar untuk kepemilikan musik dunia nyata. Untuk membantu memfasilitasi pasar ini, Potentiam akan memberikan kepada produsen akses ke katalog musik melalui portal web mereka sendiri yang spesifik.
  • Produsen akan dapat lisensi musik untuk menghasilkan media fisik mereka sendiri, barang-barang seperti vinil atau CD. Lisensi akan berlaku untuk jumlah produksi tertentu, dan pendapatan yang dihasilkan dari proses ini akan didistribusikan kembali kepada para seniman melalui kontrak cerdas jaringan Potentiam.
  • Calon klien akan diberikan daftar konten yang dikurasi, seperti lagu yang sedang tren atau populer di dalam jaringan. Mereka juga akan dapat mencari seluruh katalog database melalui berbagai fungsi termasuk artis dan genre.

Modul Perizinan Sync

  • Mengakses sumber keuntungan yang kurang dikenal, modul perizinan sinkronisasi memberikan pekerjaan artis kepada pembuat konten lain yang membutuhkan soundtrack. Ini termasuk produksi film, periklanan dan bahkan soundtrack video game. Perusahaan yang mencari lisensi sinkronisasi akan mengajukan penawaran yang kemudian dapat diterima atau ditolak oleh artis aslinya.
  • Modul lisensi sinkronisasi akan menggunakan sistem kecerdasan buatan untuk mengurutkan, mengkategorikan, dan menyusun seluruh katalog Potentiam. Klien potensial kemudian dapat menggunakan sistem ini untuk menemukan musik yang sempurna untuk produksi mereka, mencari berdasarkan kategori non-tradisional seperti suasana hati dan tempo.

Modul Lisensi Kinerja Publik

  • Modul lisensi terakhir mencakup penggunaan siaran publik dari karya seniman. Modul lisensi kinerja publik memberikan akses ke seluruh katalog Potentiam dengan biaya tetap. Musik kemudian dapat digunakan dari dalam katalog untuk pertunjukan publik yang mencakup radio dan musik acara.
  • Potentiam akan mencari kemitraan aktif dengan masyarakat hak-hak kinerja, kelompok tradisional yang mengawasi kinerja publik dan memastikan bahwa royalti yang tepat dibayar berdasarkan penggunaan katalog. Masyarakat ini mengumpulkan pendapatan dan mendistribusikannya ke artis aslinya.

Modul Agen Pemesanan

  • Salah satu dari dua modul yang tidak dirancang atau distribusi langsung, modul agen pemesanan adalah portal web yang dibuat untuk mempertemukan seniman dengan tempat tinggal yang membutuhkan bakat. Tempat-tempat ini dapat mengakses portal web tambahan untuk menelusuri artis yang telah membuat diri mereka tersedia untuk pertunjukan publik. Bergantian, tempat itu sendiri bisa mengiklankan tanggal dan waktu mereka membutuhkan musik live.
  • Modul agen pemesanan akan memiliki serangkaian fitur yang kuat untuk memungkinkan perjanjian internal atas biaya insidental seperti transportasi dan perumahan selama acara. Semua transaksi pembayaran ditangani langsung melalui Potentiam, memungkinkan artis untuk terus menggunakan satu lokasi untuk semua kebutuhan pembayaran mereka.

Artis Potentiam Crowdfunder

  • Modul Potentiam akhir menciptakan ruang untuk membantu seniman mencapai tujuan mereka. Artis potensial dapat membuat kampanye dalam modul crowdfunding artis untuk membantu mengimbangi biaya awal untuk membawa musik mereka ke pasar. Hal ini dapat berupa apa saja mulai dari modal awal untuk peralatan rekaman hingga ide-ide besar dan konsep-konsep tinggi yang membutuhkan pendanaan yang signifikan.
  • Modul crowdfunding seniman menghubungkan seniman-seniman dari Potentiam Core ke pembuatan konten tertulis Potentiam Classic system. Modul Core menyediakan mekanisme untuk menerima token Potentiam, sedangkan sistem Classic menghubungkan penggemar dengan artis dan memungkinkan mereka berkontribusi dalam token.

Potentiam Klasik

Selain kemampuan pembuatan dan distribusi konten Potentiam Core, juga akan ada platform kontribusi crowd-source yang disebut Potentiam Classic. Platform ini akan berfungsi sebagai cabang pemasaran dan hubungan masyarakat dari platform Core yang berorientasi pada musik. Di Potentiam Classic, artis dan penggemar sama-sama bisa berkumpul untuk mendiskusikan musik dan artis tren yang akan datang dengan layanan blogging dan artikel lengkap.

Sama seperti situs Steemit telah dilakukan untuk ruang blockchain secara keseluruhan, Potentiam Classic akan memberikan outlet untuk kata-kata tertulis dalam kaitannya dengan dunia musik. Pengguna dihadiahi untuk konten yang baik, menciptakan insentif bagi mereka untuk menghasilkan posting yang membantu lebih lanjut artis Potentiam dan platform Potentiam secara keseluruhan. Artis dapat menggunakan platform Klasik untuk membantu mendorong pengguna ke kampanye crowdfunding dan katalog musik mereka.

Potentiam dan Clout

Sumber kehidupan dari sistem pembuatan konten Potentiam adalah token PTM. Dibuat dengan menggunakan standar ERC-20 yang ditetapkan oleh Proyek Etereum, token PTM adalah mata uang kontrak yang mampu menghasilkan uang yang digunakan untuk semua bentuk transaksi di dalam platform Potentiam. Semua transaksi dan biaya di dalam sistem ditempatkan di dalam Kolam Potentiam terpusat untuk distribusi dalam periode 30 hari. Setiap 30 hari, kolam Potentiam penuh dibagi menjadi tiga bagian; penghargaan pembuatan konten, dividen node vault dan dana pengembangan.

Token sekunder, Clout, digunakan hanya dalam ekosistem Potentiam Classic untuk menentukan kualitas dan jangkauan konten pengguna. Clout dikuratori oleh pengguna, dengan masing-masing menerima 100 saat bergabung untuk penggunaan konten promosi. Diberikan Clout dengan cara ini menjadi Article Power, metrik yang digunakan untuk menentukan artikel yang sedang tren dan populer, yang tetap berlaku selama 30 hari. Pada akhir periode 30 hari itu, jumlah tersebut dikembalikan ke kurator asli untuk digunakan lebih lanjut.

Kekuatan clout dan artikel juga membantu menentukan persentase distribusi hadiah PTM yang didapat oleh sang pencipta. Kekuatan artikel pribadi mereka dibandingkan dengan total kekuatan artikel untuk periode 30 hari itu, dan mereka menerima jumlah proporsional dari total hadiah konten bulanan sebagai hasilnya. Proses ini akan membantu mendorong pembuatan konten, sambil memberi penghargaan kepada mereka yang secara konsisten memberikan konten berkualitas tinggi ke platform.

The Potentiam Vault

Ada beberapa cara yang cryptocurrency blockchain dapat memilih untuk menghasilkan dividen bagi investor mereka. Potentiam dianggap sebagai Bukti token Pasak, yang berarti bahwa investor dan pemegang dihargai berdasarkan jumlah Potentiam yang mereka pegang. Namun, ini tergantung pada sistem Vault yang unik yang telah dibuat oleh Potentiam.

Meskipun pengguna selalu memiliki opsi untuk menyimpan token PTM mereka di dompet platform mereka, atau pada dompet eksterior ERC-20 yang kompatibel, tidak ada satu pun dari opsi ini yang menghitung dividen Proof of Stake mereka. Sebaliknya, pengguna dapat memilih untuk menempatkan sejumlah PTM ke dalam Potentiam Vault mereka, di mana mereka akan tetap untuk jangka waktu tertentu yang ditentukan sebelumnya oleh sistem. Token di dalam lemari besi memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan hadiah kubah, dikumpulkan dari biaya transaksi untuk bulan itu. Ada minimal 10.000 PTM untuk membuat simpul vault tunggal, tetapi pengguna dengan jumlah kurang dari jumlah tersebut akan memiliki opsi untuk bergabung dengan pengguna lain untuk membuat simpul vault komunal. Mereka kemudian akan menerima hadiah yang berbanding lurus dengan jumlah yang mereka berikan terhadap node kubah tersebut.

Proyek Potentiam akan memiliki token RTM-nya. Token ini akan menjadi alat penghitungan utama pada platform. Tentu semua pengguna akan menggunakannya untuk kebutuhan mereka sendiri. Semua pembayaran dan semua pembayaran untuk layanan akan dilakukan dalam token RTM. Sebanyak 100.000.000 token RTM akan dibuat. Pada saat yang sama, token 60.000 000 RTM akan tersedia di panggung Kraundsail. Tanggal ICO belum diketahui, tapi segera PRE-ICO proyek Potentiam akan berlangsung, jadi awasi.


Sebagai teknologi baru, blockchain menguasai dunia dengan badai. Setiap industri, entah bagaimana, mengintegrasikan aspek ledger terdesentralisasi atau terdistribusi dari sistem – dan beberapa bisnis konvensional telah menemukan bahwa hanya menambahkan “blockchain” untuk nama mereka cukup untuk memacu pertumbuhan. Dengan cara yang sama seperti kita melihat jaringan peer to peer secara langsung mengubah wajah industri musik, kita akan segera melihat blockchain melakukan hal yang sama.

Potentiam menempatkan diri dalam posisi untuk menyediakan platform pertama untuk pembuatan dan distribusi musik blockchain. Mungkin yang lebih penting, mereka melakukannya dengan suite pembuatan fitur lengkap dan basis data katalog yang membawa mereka ke pasar sebagai pesaing instan sejati bagi beberapa pesaing yang lebih mapan di dunia musik. Ketika platform sepenuhnya diluncurkan, kita dapat mengharapkan “Potentiam” untuk bergabung dengan para pemimpin industri seperti iTunes, Pandora dan Spotify dalam pengenalan nama merek sebagai metode distribusi.

Namun, itu adalah integrasi vertikal lengkap dari semua aspek penciptaan musik yang benar-benar akan membuat platform terpisah. Membiarkan seniman untuk membuat, berkolaborasi, memasarkan dan mendistribusikan, semua dalam satu lokasi, membuat Potentiam terpisah dari pesaing langsung mereka. Penambahan baru-baru ini dari 5.000 seniman ke tes alpha mereka memastikan bahwa Potentiam akan memukul tanah berjalan. Tingkat keterlibatan itu, dalam platform yang belum dirilis secara resmi, menunjukkan sistem yang sudah bekerja dengan baik – dan itu akan dipoles ke cermin sebelum dipublikasikan. Dengan asumsi Potentiam memberikan konten yang dijanjikan mereka, tidak diragukan lagi bahwa mereka akan menjadi pusat distribusi musik di masa depan.

Informasi lebih lanjut tentang Potentiam :



Penulis : gomes1
Profile Bitcointalk :;u=1662391
ETH : 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F
Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ICO

BIOMETRIDS – Identity Decentralization and Anonymous that are very beneficial to you and the world


Biometrids platform is an online ID on the blockchain that uses machine learning for facial recognition. With facial recognition, it is possible to verify people are who they say they are. Using the Blockchain technology, Biometrids is poised at providing a solution to identity and identification problems in all facet of life.
By using the API connected to the Biometridsplatform, any service can adopt our ID protocol into their system, and force people to use the Biometrids ID to improve the security of knowing the their customers are transacting with genuine people.
The advancement in technology has brought about smartphones with facial recognition via a built-in camera. Using the facial recognition capabilities of smart devices, each individual will be facially recognized on the blockchain. Biometrids is striving at creating a “One Face, One ID” phenomenon. All it takes is only a single recognition and there will not be a means to manipulate identities on the Blockchain. With this in place, there is an expected drastic reduction in identity theft.

With Biometrids’ platform, it is possible to achieve the following:

  • Make sure that people are who they say they are.
  • Deal with impostors and prevent identity fraud.
  • Opportunities to identify themselves, even in countries where this is not possible at the time being.
  • Give people the ownership of their own ID.
  • Help blockchain services that faces the identity problem.
  • Make payments more secure and trusted.
  • Remove the middleman for identification.
With Biometrids, the identities will be anonymous but still trusted. The system will give people who do not have access to an ID the opportunities to identify them. There are many countries where this is a major problem. The Biometrids platform will solve the problem of identity and help prevent identity fraud, all this by using facial recognition.
Our API lets others integrate the system. This will make it much easier for people to log in to their wallets or identify themselves to others, without having to show their real identity. With our built-in voting system, people can report others as scammers. If someone makes a fraudulent account using the ID, their ID will be marked as a scammer, which will let others know not to deal with this person. When the system is established around the world, more and more companies and people will adopt the system. This means that spammers can be excluded from using some daily life services, due to previous fraud marks. This will create further incentive to follow the system, as a new ID cannot be created due to the uniqueness in each person’s face.

Use Cases

Static ID
The major application of Biometrids is the creation of a static means of identification that can never be manipulated. With Biometrids in place, users ID will be blacklisted if such ID is used in perpetrating scam in any transaction. You can verify the identity of any individual before committing your resources to the business. This will boost your confidence in the other parties since your 99.9% sure about the identity of the other party. With a static ID in place, an ID would never be able to transact business upon blacklisting.
Car Rentals
Never would car rentals be scared of giving out cars to client ever again. Biometrids allow the swift verification of customers for car rental service. This will allow for the checking of the past records of customers to determine the probability of getting the rented car back. All the rental service need with Biometrids is to scan the customers face to ascertain identity and records, then request for all the needed documents. When this is utilized with locking solutions, there will be a fundamental change in car rental industry.
Package Delivery and Courier
Biometrids allows for the cross-checking of identity when delivering packages. Before delivery can be made, the courier personnel will need to cross-check the identity used during purchase against that of the individual that is to accept the package. Any deviation will mean the package will not be delivered. The mailman will have to scan the face of the individual accepting the package to determine it is been delivered to the actual owner.
A Safer and Secure Cryptosphere
With the increasing number of ICOs on a daily basis. There is a need to put in place a mechanism that will serve in cross-referencing of identities of the participant. This will actually bring about a responsible and interactive coin offering as being proposed by Vitalik Buterin and Jason Teutsch. With Biometrids in place, there will be a decrease in the creation of a shadow economy that is growing in value and worth. The team and the advisors of an ICO will have to identify themselves and be held responsible in the event the ICO fails.

Platform and description

With the advancement in machine learning and artificial intelligence, facial recognition can be utilized for identifying individuals. From childhood to old age, the contours of the face cannot change.
Once registered on the blockchain, facial attributes remain static even with changes in age. Whenever a merchant, individual or government is trying to identify you, a request will be sent to your smartphone for identification.

Identity fraud in numbers

The spate of identity theft globally has reached an epidemic level. There is a need to adopt an out of the box approach such as Biometrids in providing a lasting solution to this cankerworm. Between 2015 and 2016, there has been an increase in identity frauds both in monetary value and number of victims. In 2015, 13.1 million were victims of identify fraud, this figure grew to 15.4 million Americans. This translate to an increase in value from $15.3 Billion to $16 Billion. In 2016, a record of 421 billion data records was stolen. This is equivalent to 35 data records stolen every second.
The spate of identity theft globally has reached an epidemic level. There is a need to adopt an out of the box approach such as Biometrids in providing a lasting solution to this cankerworm. Between 2015 and 2016, there has been an increase in identity frauds both in monetary value and number of victims. In 2015, 13.1 million were victims of identify fraud, this figure grew to 15.4 million Americans. This translate to an increase in value from $15.3 Billion to $16 Billion.

UK identity fraud

Investors will have the opportunity to get a share of all of these transactions that will be going through the Biometrids Platform. Investors can run their own node on the chain, with only 10.000IDS.
When the system will be fully implemented around the world we would have upwards 100.000.000 transactions everyday with a cost of 10–40cents and a pay out of 90% for investors holding nodes.
In our PRE-ICO we offer 1330IDS for the price of 1 ether and in ICO the price will range from 600–1000IDS for 1 ether.
Help us build the future of identification and join our journey today!

Token Sale

Biometrids token will be known and called IDS.
There is going to be a total of 100,000,000 in existence and will be offered as follow:
  • Pre-ICO: 5%
  • Bounties and Advisors: 5%
  • Crowdsale: 70%
  • Team allocation: 10%
  • Foundation: 10%
The Pre-ICO of IDS will run for just a week a price of 1ETH/1330IDS, while the crowdsale will run for 4 weeks with the following prices:
  • Week 1: 1000 IDS/1eth
  • Week 2: 850 IDS/1eth
  • Week 3: 700 IDS/1eth
  • Week 4: 600 IDS/1eth
Pre-Ico and crowdsale will run until end date, or until all coins are sold.
The allocated 10% of the team and the 10% for the foundation will be locked up for three years.
Every unsold coin during the ICO will be locked for five years. After five years, they will be sold back to early investors in a private fundraising campaign. They will not be sold on exchanges.

APIs and System

The Biometrids platform is expected to benefit other Blockchain and Cryptocurrency projects.
Aside from this, the financial sector, postal, wallets, and public sector will also benefit from the Biometrids project. A wallet developer will have to integrate the Biometrids API with their wallet and this will override the login process. This will translate to facial recognition login to wallets.
Ongoing branding and increasing awareness of Biometrids to develop an onboarding process for businesses. Further development of the product with continued bug fixing, new initiatives, and improvements to the user experience.


Morten Nielsen

CEO and daily leader.
Morten is a crypto enthusiast with a deep insight into blockchain technology. He is passionate about new technologies and use cases, and is an entrepreneur who has built and sold a variety of online web shops.
He has great experience in sales, technology, and leadership. Morten is a problem solver, studying economics in his spare time.

Daniel broe

Business Developer and Partnerships

Daniel is in the lead of business development. He is passionate about blockchain and business development and is an entrepreneur.
He is currently working as a Senior IT and Finance consultant. Daniel was previously the co-founder of a Norwegian subsidiary sports analysis and Head of Department in Denmark.

jalone sapworth

Marketing Manager

Jolene leads the marketing department.
She has been working with marketing and communication in a big Danish company. She has a PBA in International Marketing and Communication and is also educated in Marketing Management.

kirill Beresnev

Ethereum Developer

Kirill is the lead Ethereum developer and is an enthusiastic blockchain engineer with five years of experience.
Kirill has extensive experience in Ethereum and blockchain development. Kirill has previously worked with Smartum Pro and Hyerledger Fabric.

jana atonova

Graphic Designer

Jana is an experienced graphic designer and photographer, managing and coordinating graphic design projects from concept through to completion.
Jana is good at conceiving designs, as well as effectively building, motivating, and directing design and production.

Kiril ganchev

Algorithme and full stack developer

Kiril leads Algorithms. Kiril Ganchev has more than eight years of experience in image processing, computer vision algorithms, embedded systems, and periphery. He has been working many years for Nokia and Microsoft projects, which have been successful and highly rated. He has also led a small, but highly skilled team of professionals.
Kiril studied Physics in the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and has participated in informatics, math, physics, and astronomy contests.

lgor Nokavic

Ethereum and web developer

Igor is an experienced web developer and Ethereum developer. Highly enthusiastic about new technologies.
Have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Information Systems. Graduated on “Agile Software Development — SCRUM methodology”.


michael Moller Nielsen

Financial Advisor

Michael has worked with auditing and tax, as well as specialized consultancy, for companies and individuals since 2009. This includes business development for the optimization of business process and strategy plans.
Michael has a Master of Science (MSc) in Business Economics and Auditing and a PBA in International Marketing and Communication, and is also educated in Marketing Management.

sabina Kethelz

Technical and Product Advisor

Sabina is the director and founder at C.I.P. Consulting Group.
An advisory board member at Shape Robotics and former CEO of CP Robotics, Sabina has a Master of Arts in International Business Communication and Strategic Entrepreneurship.

Biometrids platform bring identity to the blockchain.

By using facial recognition, we will bring decentralised and anonymous ID to everyone any where.

With our in build voting system, and the biometrics in your face lets us build a platform, where people can be trusted inside the ecosystem.

Our token sale is now open! Join the token sale at:

Author : gomes1
My Bitocointalk Profile :;u=1662391
ETH : 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F
Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ICO

KEPLER Technologies – Creating a global market platform for robotics investments and related fields through a transparent and decentralized portal that will be controlled and managed by investors

The 21st century will forever be remembered as the century that ushered in two of the most disruptive technologies in the history of mankind; the internet and the blockchain. The breakthroughs these technological phenomenons have facilitated continues to revolutionize all spheres of human endeavors. However, there remains one more technological breakthrough that this century is yet to fully maximize its potential, robotics.
Currently worth over $80 billion and projected to grow exponentially, the robotics marketplace is rapidly expanding as technological development and consumption drives up competition and lowers production costs.
Like the internet, robotics – and its accompanying AI field – will not only unleash human potentials and champion new innovations, but also open up the horizon for new investment opportunities. This horizon is what Kepler aims to dominate.

Kepler is a tech startup network powered by the blockchain. The network aims to create a global marketplace platform for investing in robotics and related fields through a transparent and decentralized portal that will be controlled and managed by investors. Kepler will utilize analytics, data science, and predictive algorithms to provide investors with unique investment opportunities through tokenized assets. The network will ensure liquidity of these tokens by backing it with real world assets such as lands, construction sites, high-tech lab equipment, products, technical know-how, university and its campus.
With analysts projecting market magnitude to double in a short run and long-term prospects to multiple ten folds.
Kepler has been designed in a manner that allows us to create and shape the future of all mankind together with you, with your direct participation and under your management.

The main goal of Kepler’s management, besides the production of valuable Robotics, is the creation of a decentralized wealth distribution system through the technological breakthrough that will shape the future of humanity. Imagine if the creators of the internet had decided to share its wealth creation mechanism with the world instead of leaving it in the hands of corporate organizations who are only about accumulating personal wealth. Imagine if the internet had been like the blockchain, decentralized and distributed, users would have been profiting from their own data.
Foreseeing such an eventuality based on current trends, the management team behind Kepler is creating a fair market economy that will distribute profit to users. Kepler is based on the highest level of transparency, accountability, and Corporate Responsibility.

Kepler Universe Platform is an innovative ecosystem that will commission scientific initiatives for developing breakthroughs through global teamwork. The platform will afford talented and gifted minds to participate in the development of technological solutions or link up with the right resources and personnel to bring their ideas to life. Not only does Kepler act as a direct gateway for disintermediated connections, the network also provides investors with unique investment opportunities. The decentralized platform allows inventors, developers, and innovators all over the world to simply upload their AI, robotics and high-tech based projects and proposals onto Kepler Universe Platform for seamless access to financial and technical support.

Every aspect of Kepler Technologies will be commercialized and calibrated for maximum income, future growth, and development of the company and its products.
Kepler standout feature remains the democratization of management through decentralization. This ensures that the platform is self-governing and autonomous, allowing token holders to not only have a say in the management of the company, but also in implementing changes proportionally to the tokens owned.
Kepler is more than a fancy website and white paper. The company’s first joint product, MIA is a human-type robot in pre-alpha stage development. MIA is designed to be an autonomous, self-sufficient robot with human-type capabilities. As a blockchain-based, feeless assistant, Mia aims to make life easier by assisting the user in their daily activities, including shopping. Mia comes with its integrated wallet system that allows it to execute transactions based on verbal commands.

Kepler is powered by its native KEP token. We consider that the most important feature that any token should have is high liquidity. KEP will be strengthened by the value of the company’s assets, including manpower, expertise and experience, equipment, and infrastructure. KEP tokens will be secured by land greater than 300, 000 sq.m., with the network of buildings that will form Kepler HQ. These includes space-age architectures, management offices, mega factory, highly equipped laboratory, Technological University and its campus. In addition to these real properties adding values to KEP tokens, there also be technical know-how, patents developed in our Laboratories, and the value of our factory product
●   Growing demand for cutting-edge technology and AI solutions
●   A world-class management team with credible qualifications in their fields.
●   Fair, Simple and Reliable Platform with high level of transparency and security
●   Immovable property transferred from the Government of Georgia free of charge;
●   80% of the company income will be used for reinvestments, from which a sizeable amount will be used to buy back the tokens from token owners which will boost token price
●   KEP will allow token holders to directly purchase any product developed by Kepler at the best available price;
●   KEP easily be exchanged or liquidated on the platform;
●   KEP will offer further utilization based on different stages of project implementation.


Haven gotten to this extent, will you not rather get background, update and comprehensive details of the technical and methodological functionalities of this ecosystem? Take extra steps; get ‘White Paper’ at and find out for your own self how this new idea relates to your dream of a modern easy world.
The KEP token will be employed as an instrument that ensures rights of entrance to the platform and to allow the general publics explore the huge benefits of the bionetwork without chauvinism. To allow for participants to take part of the platform, ICO is out on offer. A total of 201, 500, 000 KEP tokens have been created by the developers of the ecosystem. During the Pre-ICO, 5, 000 KEP will be available for sale with 30% bonus while during the ICO stage 1, 11, 500, 000 KEP will be supplied with 15% bonus. 16, 500, 000 KEP will be available with 10% bonus during the ICO stage 2 while 21, 000, 000 KEP with 5% bonus will be offered to the public during the ICO stage 3. The final stage of the ICO will have 21, 500, 000 KEP with no bonus. Token sales will be conducted in two special currencies, Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). Total token supply will be 250, 000, 000 KEP + 7 000, 000 Bonuses.1 USD will Generate 1 KEP which means that paying $1 investor will get 0.8 KEP in return.1 Token price = $1.25 Amount to be raised is $250,000,000. Tokens will be distributed as shown in the diagram that follows.
Pre-ICO started few hours ago i.e. from February 1st 2018 while the main sale event will place from the 1st of March, 2018, respectively. Other events as described in the Roadmap will follows suit, subsequently.
Time waits for no one. Take the chance before others do, get KEP tokens or terms/conditions of offer, click and help set the pace for the robotics industry.
The platform is a social media community of real participants, thus to connect to others on the chain and find out more about trends, log on to;
Author : gomes1
My Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1662391
Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ICO

ODEM.IO – Creating a safe and efficient blockchain ecosystem that promises high quality education is increasingly accessible and affordable



ODEM is an extensive stage that permits understudies, teachers and specialist co-ops in the instruction business to partake in an immediate, decentralized, continuous commercial center. It engages members to seek, select and buy existing instructive items and additionally make, ask for and arrange modified training encounters face to face and on the web. Dissimilar to online training suppliers like Coursera and Khan Academy, the ODEM stage concentrates on making ongoing, in-person instructive projects. Along these lines, the ODEM stage is intended to suit the conveyance of a solitary course, as well as the going with administrations and planning that are incorporated into obliging.

The ODEM platform has been made conceivable by the rise of front line blockchain innovation that permits qualified and trusted individuals from the training business to make altered educational programs and encounters and offer them specifically to the market. The ODEM stage additionally furnishes understudies with more decisions for lodging, transportation and different necessities. It enables universal and neighborhood understudies to take responsibility for instruction. ODEM will encourage live, in-classroom encounters, bolstered by online abilities.

ODEM is a stage that has been made conceivable by the coming of blockchain innovation that empowers qualified and industry-quality instruction individuals to make tweaked educational module and experience and offer them straightforwardly to the market. The ODEM stage additionally gives understudies all the more lodging, transportation and different needs. This empowers worldwide and nearby understudies to take responsibility for training. ODEM will encourage a live-in-classroom encounter, bolstered by online capacities.

Current Chalenges
Lack of Access to High Quality Education — Improving accessibility means addressing the challenges facing students in obtaining a good education We recognize that overcoming obstacles is an important part of growing up. However, we also believe that creating a global marketplace can assist
students in accessing many educational options, adjusting course options, and managing the acquisition of student accommodation and transportation

*Institutional Constraints — Some obstacles hinder the wider achievement of students access to high-quality traditional education. Professors, wanting to increase their impact in broader learning societies, are often limited by their colleges in how, when and to what terms they can share their expertise.

*Financial Barriers — Exponential Lecture Expenses
Increased tuition fees and geographic losses also complicate the process. For students committed lifelong learning, the lack of adjustable options hampers their ability to update their knowledge as their careers grow.
*Geographic and Social Barriers and the Limits of Online Education
The emergence of an online teaching system has been drawn notice the limits of what students can gain from online educational experience The social and geographic context is lost in the online education world. We believe in ODEM’s emphasis on teaching in the classroom.
Solutions For ODEM Problems
Using blockchain technology and smart contract-based platform payments, ODEM will enable students and professors to interact directly and participate in educational and learning exchanges, without the involvement of intermediaries. Our goal is to make quality education more accessible and affordable by a wider audience. ODEM and secure, blockchain-based platforms allow students to interact with educators fluently. Students can use ODEM to find curricula that meet their needs.

Proffered solutions by ODEM:

*A single educational community where students, educators and service providers can communicate and participate directly in a secure environment.

*Access to local and international exchange, and direct educational experience. While ODEM can provide all kinds of learning experiences, the Program emphasizes on-the-ground education in elite institutions around the world.

*How to share and understand more efficient educational requirements,
objectives and details to meet the rapidly changing workforce and globalization of students and educators.
*Negotiation system, curriculum description and single payment, real-time
agreed timetable.

ODEM Platform Technology

ODEM is a comprehensive platform that enables students, educators, and service providers in the education industry to participate in a direct and decentralized real-time marketplace. It empowers participants to search, select and purchase existing educational products and create, solicit and negotiate personalized and online personalized educational experiences.
The ODEM platform is a multi dimensional education market, accommodating
participants, cost, location and scheduling. Efforts to fund, plan and conduct a complete in-person event require technical nuances and specific requirements that are translated into well-managed schedules.

Therefore, the ODEM platform is designed to accommodate not only one course submission, but also the accompanying service and scheduling that is included in accommodating a group of students traveling to a location for a day, a month or even a year.

One stop shopping for educational products and services.
The best quality and educational content are professionally curated from the Ivy League and beyond.
Reduce customer costs through the elimination of unnecessary intermediaries.
Efficient negotiation and resource fulfillment through the use of smart contracts.
Unlimited and no frictionless cross-border payments using ODEM Token.
Guaranteed confidence every step with all points of negotiation and delivery of products caught in blockchain.
System Delivery Workflow — Off-Chain and On-Chain Processing.


Features and Benefits of ODEM Platform
Current model — Client makes direct request via phone or email. Must go through many layers and negotiations
ODEM Solution — Easy Request for Lectures / Programs via ODEM portal.
Benefits — Requests are captured accurately and immediately forced to bid, triggering the fulfillment process. Customers are matched to programs with desired dates with lower overhead.

ODEM Road map

ODEM token sales will be divided into two stages
Pre Sales Token — adopter phase The initial phase of Pre Crowdsale will begin on December 10, 2017. In Pre-token sales, 58.2 million ODEMT will be issued at a discount rate of € 0.0375. This ODEMT will be issued with a 25 percent bonus. Please note the bonus token will only be accessible after the token event has completed token tokens token sales. There is a minimum purchase requirement of 200,000 ODEMT, per user, in the Pre-token sales phase.
Token Sales — The primary token sale will begin tentatively on February 17, 2018 and will continue until March 19, 2018. A total of 180 million ODEMT will be published in this phase. Evidence will be issued at or about € 0.05. Given the fact that the ODEM platform can only run optimally if the token is widely distributed, users will be allowed to purchase a maximum of 250,000 ODEMT during the first hour of primary token sales. After that, a maximum cap of 250,000 ODEMT will be lifted.

ODEM Token

Token Amount: 396.969.697
Tokens to be sold through Token sales: 238.2 million
Payment received: Ethereum / ETH
Details Pre-sale
Price per ODEM (pre-sale Token) for 58.2 million ODEMT
1 ODEMT: € 0.0375
Starting pre-order date Token and time December 10, 2017, 9 am The
date of sale of Pre Token expires and December 31, 2017, at 9 am
Minimum buy limit of 200.000 ODEMT

Sales Details

Price per ODEM (sale Token) for 180.000.000
1 ODEMT: € 0.05 (Eter equivalent price will be updated 24 hours before Token sale)
Start date of Token sales 17 February 2018 at 9 am
Sales date Token Sale March 19, 2018 at 9 o’clock morning
Hard stamp on main tokens sales 180,000,000
Maximum purchase limit of 2,000,000 ODEMT tokens for the first hour

Token Distribution

60% Crowdsale
Team 10% and Adviser
19% Company
ODEM Gifts 10%
1% Bounties
Allocation of Token


30% Platform Development
20% Supplier Development
Operation 20%
20% Sales & Marketing
10% Law



For more info, please click the following link:
Site: https://odem.IO/
White Paper: http://odem.IO/Docs/Whitepaper/ODEM.IO-Whitepaper.PDF
Telegram: https://t.Me/odem_io

Author : gomes1

My Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1662391

ETH : 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F

Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ICO

LET BET – Online gambling system without trust, unlimited, secure, and fast which benefits all.

The Internet has given a new life to the game and reaches a global audience. The gambling builds a massive online presence but is not alone. The online gambling market is estimated to reach one trillion dollars by 2021. However, the online gambling platform is currently facing the risk of data hacking given its centralized operating system.

They are affected by many challenges that are difficult to handle given the ecosystem and the nature of their current operations. User privacy on the platform is another serious issue. The speed, reliability and transparency of the current online gambling platform are less trusted by users. Today, the need for a revamped gambling platform is at the top. ie LetBet

LetBet is set to create a revolution in the online gambling industry. Our aim is to create a platform that creates an innate trust in a potentially corrupt system for one to win a game (players’ view), get rewarded (developers’ view), and fair gambling (the service providers’ view) through a decentralized system is replaced by smart contracts through blockchain semantics in a trustless, borderless, secure, and fast online gambling system that benefits all.

In a typical online gambling system, players rely on a trusted third party to carry out the game. But with LetBet’s concept, there is no need for trust, because we believe trusting a third party that is potentially corrupt would result in a biased outcome. Smart contracts that automatically reward all the key contributors — game developers, referrers and operators of independent platforms necessary for the game discovery — now replace the trust a typical player had in a third party.

The gambling industry, as a whole, has stagnated and the online gambling segment would likely not be much be different. A major solution to a fair gambling system that would bring it close to its future is a decentralized gaming platform.

The LetBet team hopes to champion such a system by employing their technological know-how to address the perceived issues in the industry.


1. What Is A Betting System?

A betting system is a crucial arrangement — created after an investigation of prior wins and misfortunes that builds players’ odds of winning more wagers in less time. On the other hand, the unceasing truth of betting is that no betting system works all the time. The systems are constantly loaded with chances. A betting system may at first appear like the player is cash. Be that as it may, over the long haul, they would not see much contrast in their misfortunes than if they hadn’t connected to a betting system. There are three distinct sorts of betting systems:

+ positive betting system

in this system, players increment their wager each time they win. this is the best of the three systems as it doesn’t expect the player to have a major add-up to begin the diversion1.

+ negative betting system

some players wish to wager much higher each time they lose. they do so with a desire to recuperate past misfortunes in a single winning wager. it requires a more significant bankroll and a solid heart to follow this system, and is consequently, viewed as a more unsafe betting system than the alternatives.

+ insurance betting system
in this betting system the player diminishes their wager each time they lose. this is a more secure betting option and is viewed as a perfect betting method.

2. Structures of online betting

betting has been one of the most well-known and lucrative internet-based businesses. gambling commission industry statistics show that between april 2015 and march 2016 online gambling operators generated a gross gambling yield (ggy1) of £4.5 billion. this is due largely to the extensive variety of betting alternatives that are available to entice a wide range of players.

an article by darren et al, essentially an overview recorded in australia, demonstrated that the most well-known types of betting were lotteries (46.5%), keno (24.3%), moment scratch tickets (24.3%), and electronic gaming machines (20.5%)4.

3. Types of online gambling

There are numerous types of online gambling. Not all of these would be present on our platform, but a typical number of games would be introduced on our platform following the LetBet road map. Because we are an open source, other game developers can sign up with us to list their game, which will be played on the LetBet platform inline with our goals.

Some prevalent online gambling games to note: poker, club, games betting, bingo, lotteries, uk national lottery, horse racing, mobile gambling, in-play betting, advance store wagering


Online betting includes games such as poker, clubhouse and other conventional games played over the internet. In 1994 when online gambling became popular, numerous countries limited online betting while some others construed it an illegal venture or practice. However, some regions in Canada, some European countries, and a few Caribbean islands allowed online gambling as a legal venture or practice. Since then, the online gambling industry has grown to what is now, valued at 500 billion USD. It continues to increase at a steady rate, with some indications that it will grow to 1 trillion USD by 2021

With the development of internet and mobile technology, the online gambling industry is forecasted to experience a boom in the near future. The online gambling industry consists of many business models and technologies, which include:
1. Sports betting: Betting on sports event (soccer, horse racing, hound racing e.g.)
2. Online Poker: Service provider receives profits from wagers.
3. Casino Games: Slot machine and roulette which are operated in a manner similar to a traditional land-based casino.
4. Online Bingo: Online version of the ageold game
5. Online Lottery: Same as regular Lottery, but operated online.

The key vendors in the Online Gambling Industry include: 888 Holdings, GVC Holdings, UniBet group, William Hill and many others, which operated from the traditional business model. According to statistics, William Hill is the market dominator in the UK with market share of 15%.


+ Evading taxes

Evading taxes is one reason some countries reject online gambling, especially in those which lack the mechanism to monitor or are unwilling to check the activities of the online gambling industry. similar to the claim on illegal tax avoidance, some others see the online gambling industry as a means to easily launder cash.

+ player discernment

Players discernment is another issue that lurks within the online gambling system. player discernment occurs mostly in games that are played from remote locations. a player, playing a game with another player that he does not see, may doubt if he is playing with a real human.

players communicate with others through guis, which interface with a complex betting site server. for the primary reason that a player from an end lacks the trust from another player at the other end, is a reason that makes player discernment a significant issue with online gambling, with each player having the perception that they are being manipulated.

+ Limitations on security

security is a significant part of the numerous challenges faced by the online gambling industry. traditional online gambling service providers operate through a centralized network of computers.

Despite the fact that the security platform is developing from the client and server side to improve the general level of security over the internet, vulnerability with the centralised method of administration of online gambling makes it difficult to obtain an error-free system. This is one of the major loopholes that the letbet system aims to plug to revolutionize the online gambling industry.

+ Limitations on trust levels

Trust payment: deposit and withdrawal are always a big problem for players. payment issues have been long-standing problems with online gambling due to legislation put on a very low transfer and deposit limit on fiat cards. there are also other situations where a lawsuit was filed against defaulters. Issues such as these are what we are positioned to eliminate from the industry with the blockchain powered online betting.

+ slow

Reason for this is that the sender and the receiver have no trace of information about themselves, which makes it more like the physical exchange of cash where the participant has no evidence behind after such transaction. as a result of this, there is minimal chance of the system being hacked.

+ Unreliability

there are cases where the game host server shuts down and then the player would have to be left at the mercy of the host because he would have to embark on a rigorous process of ensuring a refund of his game. but with the letbet system, from the point where you choose your game, to the point of payment, are all based on smart contract powered by the blockchain technology. hence in the occurrence of server issues, players would not have to be left fending for themselves.


1. Benefit of the letbet decentralized system

+ Anonymity
If you play games online with our platform, the chances of your transaction being tracked are slim. Decentralized currency makes exchange similar to cash exchanges so playing games through a decentralized protocol is one way in which no participant can be cheated. every player, plays simply with their level of expertise and not as a result of prior knowledge of the game. this is different from the fiat system, e.g; using other online gambling platform where you would need to fund your game with a fiat-based credit card that would reveal your private details. while in the letbet payment automatic gateway, all your ransactions are totally anonymous.

+ Freedom and flexibility

a significant advantage of a decentralised system as presented by letbet platform is freedom and flexibility because it is an online betting platform that is conducted through smart contracts rather than on a centralized network of computers. an online betting system that is hinged on smart contracts helps eliminate the trust in a potentially corrupt administrator, is a part of the revolution the letbet system is positioned to champion.

flexibility and security are major advantages that come with the use of a decentralized system. your location doesn’t matter with the use of blockchain technology. the blockchain system of financial transactions is more independent and decentralized to give you total freedom over your transactions.

2. Background and significance of blockchain

Letbet will not limit let bet token to its development team but would provide thirdparty developers the opportunity to leverage on the platform with or without their business model with the primary goal of meeting the decentralized and trustless need of the online gambling industry.

The letbet team which is currently developing a platform that will create a paradigm shift in the online gambling industry is set to bridge the gap identified above. after the ico, letbet will fully implement and run an online based betting platform that will be powered by the blockchain system.

3: Blockchain revolution

We are proud to become the enablers of change in this industry by building the next generation of online betting that focuses on the end user (Player) and not the service provider. Even though we will be providing the platform on a smart contract with other third-party developers to leverage on, the end goal is to ensure a decentralised system where any barrier and central authority is eliminated, and where players would enjoy a fast and secure online gambling experience.

With the act of creating a new blockchain, based on the Ethereum protocol, with custom features to meet Online Gambling requirements, we believe we can remove the risk inherent in the current system by making it decentralized, transparent and trustless.

+ LBT platform offers

A Trustless platform: You don’t need to trust the system, everything is written in Smart Contract. Hence you are not playing games at the mercy of the service provider, game developer, bankroll backers and the platform owners. You lose because your chances were limited and you win simply because your chances were high and maybe depended on your experience with the game. The bottom line is that game outcomes are not due to prior knowledge or system manipulations

A Privacy-Protected Platform: You don’t need to share any personal information. What you need is just a wallet.

An Anonymous Platform: You are hidden from the internet, our platform is only interested in your optimal satisfaction while placing your bets online rather than focusing on knowing your name, your favorites and so on. All we are interested in is that you place your bet, get the outcome and be rewarded.

A Reliable Platform: Thanks to Blockchain technology and our decentralised systems, you can play whenever you want and cease the worry about corruption or trusting a third party.

A Secure Platform: Online gambling with LetBet is secure. This means that no one has prior knowledge or access to your online wallet. This is unlike the traditional system where details of your wallet are stored on a secure server that is not entirely free from destruction and hacking. With the LetBet platform, you are totally responsible for your security. You own the private key to your wallet, which can be stored on your local computer or on a cloud based server that is totally under your control. You only need to deploy your private key or upload your wallet from your local computer to initiate a game.

A Transparent Platform: Everything is transparent, from the time you make your deposit, to the time when your game result will be out, you would have it recorded in a way that is immutable and visible to every person.

A Fast Platform: Through hard work, we’ve created an optimized platform that ensures fast content and service delivery anytime. On the average, the chain in our block takes less than a second to process your request at any given time. By fast, we mean, it is easy to open account, get coin, and play; easy to deposit or withdraw; our blockchain is customized to execute transaction faster.


The LetBet concept is unique — P2P SMART CONTRACT

Unlike others, it’s not just a P2P Smart Contract-Based Game, but that which is customized to suit the online gambling industry in a way that will simultaneously service third party online gambling developers, and the end-users (players).

With our P2P smart contract, from the time when the game was initiated, through to the point where your result is seen and funds remitted, you remain anonymous and secure through a smart contract with the blockchain system.


Seamless Flow of Gaming

Enjoy the seamless flow of gaming activity without the usual disruption. With our concept, you only need to browse the game you want, choose it, activate your wallet on it, make a deposit (through a smart contract in seconds), play and end game, then withdraw your funds to your wallet anonymously.


Our marketing strategy includes policies that we have put in place to ensure that the vision of the LetBet team is achieved and attainable with the right target market. Our marketing strategy during and after the ICO is specific for each circumstances of raised fund as well as tightly close to the development Roadmap of the whole platform.

1. Two main marketing activity phase 1

In the 1st Phase of Marketing, After Launching Stage and before the end of ICO- We believe that spending a ton of funds on advertising alone would be tantamount to improper utilization of resources. Instead adopting an Affiliate Program and channeling resources into it will help LetBet get adequate awareness easily and sustainably. Players and promoters are the two primary targets of our affiliate program, and the process is divided into two phases: the ICO & Post-ICO.

This program will end when ICO ends or when it run out of the predetermined number of LBT up for sale (10M LBT).

To become a promoter, you need to have proper contribution to build up the community, promote LBT as well as support us to create LBT network.

Loyalty campaign program will be counted on the result of the total game played at LBT game system. After each game, the system will accumulate the score and player can exchange these score into an equivalent amount of coin. The more you play, the more reward you can earn.

2. Four main marketing activity phase 2

For Main Business of LETBET Plaform — During and after ICO to acquire users & investor:
In the 2nd Phase of Marketing activities, when the ICO end and the highest priority is user, LETBET invest our resources into the users acquisition.
+Refferal Program
+Partnership Networks
+Press Release
+Digital Marketing
The details of each channel will be defined as below table:

The marketing Budget is defined as a certain percentage of the Raised Fund of LETBET. With the clear vision to focus on the product — LETBET platform, the efforts to acquire user as player, gambler… will be carefully calculated to reach goals and fully adapting into markets.

 Coin distribution

+ Fund allocation

+ Pre-sale details

Note: Please send in your requests for bonus from ICO site. 0.1 LBT will be transferred to your wallet (this option is only open for the first one hundred thousand users). Please check your transaction on the LBT Explorer, where you can see any other instruction in the knowledge base. Please be aware that in this phase we will also develop some simple Sports Betting games (see in Roadmap) so that you can use bonus coins to play. Please use Felix unit to bet (1 LBT = 1000 Felix) and enjoy.

BTC or ETH can buy LBT and we will add some bonus for first purchases just noted above. The value of BTC or ETH will be counted from the time you finish the order as seen on

A total of 20M LBT will be issued during the pre-sale. The presale will kickoff on the 20th Jan 2018 and end on 14th Feb 2018. We will limit total coin you will able to buy during our pre-sale. Please check the table below for more information.
+ The first 35% LBT will sell at a price of $0.4
+ The next 35% LBT will sell at a price of $0.5
+ The rest 30% LBT will sell at a price of $0.6

+ Crowdsale details

A maximum of 70M coins will be issued during the crowdfunding. The LetBet crowdfunding will kick off fully on the 25th of Feb, 2018 with an open sale that will last for 30 days.
+ The first 20% LBT will sell at a price of $0.8
+ The next 20% LBT will sell at a price of $0.9
+ The next 20% LBT will sell at a price of $1
+ The next 20% LBT will sell at a price of $1.2
+ The next 10% LBT will sell at a price of $1.4
+ The next 10% LBT will sell at a price of $1.5




Author: gomes1

My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1662391


Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ICO

ABBYS – Creating a new game platform fundamentally supported with blockchain technology


What is an Abyss?

Abyss is a digital distribution platform game

The main difference between Abyss and other digital distribution platforms is the introduction of referral and motivation programs. By inviting friends to the platform, users will create their own referral network. Players will get from all their payments and landing activities. Developers, in turn, will receive 70% of all payments made in their game, and the players’ payment section and their referrals on other games on the platform. 1/3 of the platform’s net revenue from user payments will be distributed to a five-level reference program.

Abyss is a new game ecosystem platform where developers are given the opportunity to reduce marketing costs, swap traffic and gain access to additional services. Players, in turn, will be able to play their favorite games and earn revenue, create content and invite their friends to the platform. The platform will be developed by the Russian company Destiny.Games, known in the market since 2008.

In 2016, the MMO game segment grew by 13%, and by 2017, revenues from the overall gaming industry market surpassed $ 100 billion. In this case, MMO games for PCs are sure to lead in everything between games of all genres. Last year, the MMO-game game accounted for 60% of the profits from the sale of all PC games. The figure is quite impressive.

To reach a larger audience, developers try to use various platforms, the most popular being Steam, Origin, Uplay, etc. However, as time goes by, they are a bit slow and impractical. There is a very limited advertising opportunity, moreover – they are practically losing efficiency, because the price is very expensive.

Abyss offers developers a radically different interaction of advertising interactions. By directly buying and selling targeted traffic to each other and receiving payouts even from users who leave the game, the developers are the kind of partners themselves. Models for interaction are changed from being competitive to being collaborative and mutually beneficial. This provides the ability to reduce costs to be competitive and therefore require potential revenue growth for developers.

Abyss offers a wide range of lucrative options for players, such as referral payments, awards for gaming achievements (on their own, as well as by friends brought to the game) and payments for creating content.

According to the president of Destiny.Games Vladimir Kurochkin, in the era of modern digital entertainment games have penetrated almost in all areas of our activity. “Over the past three decades we have witnessed unprecedented developments in the gaming industry. Video games initially challenge other forms of entertainment; Now they are definitive leaders, “he said. “The gaming industry in 2017 surpassed the $ 100 billion revenue level. Currently the amount is about $ 105.4 billion. The market has grown by 12% so far this year, and by 2020 is expected to grow by 60-80% to $ 168.8 billion. “

Online multiplayer online game market segment (MMO) increased by 13% in 2016 with the number of active users reaching 879 million, mainly related to free play MMO games (F2P), is a priority Abyss platform. “We’re pretty sure that now is the most successful time to create a fundamentally new game platform. Actually, Abyss is Steam from a new generation. One feature of our project is blockchain technology, which we believe has a good prospect in the gaming industry, as it allows to make use of crypto and token currencies. “

The ABYSS token is the priority internal mechanism for interaction on the platform (the Ethereal Blocks ERC20 Protocol). Tokens can be purchased with Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC) on the project’s official website. The fee for the ABYSS token is 0.0004 ETH and 1 ETH for 2,500 tokens, or equivalent to this BTC at the exchange rate at the time of payment.

What would the new platform of Abyss go beyond existing ones?

  • Increase revenue per user
  • Players can also earn
  • Low entry threshold
  • Token handling is very easy
  • Significant savings on marketing

Key features of the Abyss token

The interaction of priority internal mechanisms on the platform will be

Token ABYSS (ERC20 protocol on Etereum block system). Platforms will be displayed on Desktop (Windows, MacOS, Linux), Mobile (iOS and Android) and the Web.

Purchasing DISCOUNTSTRAFFICBUSINESSIn games in tokens will be more profitable. CPA networks operate only on the ABYSS token. Good opportunity to get active leaders and players of OPERATION PRINCIPLES


  • Token name: ABYSS
  • The number of tokens released will depend on the volume of ETH and BTC interested
  • Token fee: 1 ETH = 2500 ABYSS
  • Pre-trial period: 29/11 / 2017-01 / 12/2017 (Minimum purchase amount is 5 ET)
  • ICO Period: 12/12 / 2017-24 / 01/2018 (minimum purchase amount of 0.1 ETH)
  • Soft cap: 10 000 ETH (funds are returned to investors if the indicator is not reached)
  • Bonus: during pre-season + 25%. Furthermore
  • Day 1: + 15%
  • Days 2-4: + 10%
  • Day 5-16: + 5%



Some Resources For Reference:






Author: gomes1

My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1662391

Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ICO

SP8DE – A new generation of blockchain-based game platform for developing distributed gaming applications

Sp8de is a blockchain-based platform for developing distributed gaming applications. As a platform for gaming applications, Sp8de team is equipped with the protocol for generating fresh unbiased randomness. As a team with some aspirations they have it provably fair and completely decentralized. Sp8de feels that it is important to be true to the spirit of the venture they embark upon: if blockchain is the universal and undisputed source of truth then it should also be the broadcast channel for randomness.
Sp8de is a protocol for blockchain-based platform with multiple features that are essential for the growing blockchain gambling industry and whose solid implementation is lacking in any of the currently existing projects in this space.
Sp8de is built on top of Ouroboros, the most advanced POS protocol that underpins the Cardano blockchain. A cradle of academic approach to the blockchain technology, Cardano is the beam of progress that shines forward towards the future of distributed applications.
There are many and varied casino or gambling blockchain projects, however only a handful deserve the attention of the public and even fewer have come anywhere close to addressing the three fundamental problems. Spade utilizes Cardano to design its ecosystem and thereby solves the problems normally associated with the on-chain casinos.
First of all, random number generation. Ouroboros, the POS protocol underlying Cardano blockchain in its workings fully relies upon generating unbiased (i.e. uniformly distributed) entropy. It generates provably random numbers and guarantees that everyone will get them.
Secondly, transaction fees and scalability. Ouroboros is a Proof-of-Stake protocol, meaning that at any given time, a trusted set of nodes maintain the integrity of the system. This protocol was shown in an experimental setting to be resistant to a handful of attacks that are known to plague other systems and are directly relevant to gambling.
Finally, flexible and finance application-tailored scripting language. Cardano is designed by the masters of code and is set to follow best practices; its scripting language is tailored for financial applications.
In total they will distribute 8,888,888,888 SPX tokens of which 20% will remain with the team while all others will be sold. In the chart below they demonstrate how they plan to use the proceeds from the sales of the SPX token; those that remain with the team can be used for further development or urgent business requirements (e.g. advisory or operations).
The Pre-Sale lasts for 14 days while each Sale phase will be seven days followed by a Jackpot that is distributed entirely within a single day after every Sale. During the Jackpots additional tokens given away to the participants of every Sale (including the Pre-Sale) – the distribution of the tokens is based on randomly generated factors with different weight. The earlier one buys tokens the more tokens will be allocated to them.
Token Utility
Software license
Getting access to the universe of applications just requires you to own the native token of our system, SPX.
Gaming Chip
Betting within Sp8de ecosystem is done only using SPX. By owning SPX, you share a part in protocol’s success.
SPX is used to reward the developers fairly on the protocol level.
The entire token distribution will be 8,888,888,888 of which 3,655,555,558.4 (41.125%) will be in the form of token sale and 3,455,555,552 (38.875%) will be given as a jackpot to those who have participated in the “token sale” rounds. The rest of the tokens 1,777,777,778 (20%) will remain with the team for the purposes of marketing, advisory, and further development of the project (see the Token Proceeds Utilization section for further details on the use of the proceeds from the token distribution). From Table 2 it becomes clear that the SPX tokens received per ETH are decreasing after each sale while the tokens distributed are increasing following the PreSale stage. A soft cap of US$4,000,000 (four million) is set and the hard cap is ~ 49,033 ETH.
The token sale will take place in four rounds and the amounts in each round are as follows:
Everyone who participated in the token sale will be eligible to receive tokens during the jackpots. Table 3 outlines the jackpot distribution schedule:
Road Map
Alexey Kashirsky
CEO & Co-Founder
IT Mining Engineer graduate the Moscow State Mining University MBA program of Mining Nitu “MISiS” Adviser to the General Director of NP “Miners of Russia” and an adviser to the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, in the association “Industrial minerals”- an assistant to the president
Mikhail Krapivnoi
CIO & Co-Founder
ex Ceo of Man & Machine
A robotics research Company Multi Entrepreneur Champion in Online Poker and Chess Member of the AI Research Association Blockchain Evangelist And just a cool guy.
Evgeny Borchers
CVO & Co-Founder
A visionary,
experienced business expert focused on cryptocurrency investing, Fin-Tech, and affiliate marketing since 2013. Co-founder of a number of Fin-Tech projects, the most recent one of which DCEX, a digital currency exchange.
Alexander Baykiev
CMO & Co-founder
Responsible for the digital marketing, media communications, and creative content development to develop and sustain the brands of a number of businesses.
Artemy Zorin
Advisor Graphics Design
Interactive designer user interface and visual and visual style for web and mobile applications. Visual design and branding manager, head of design department, „Yodiz“ studio. Cool Dude. Loves Blockchain.
Alexander Uglov
Advisor Marketing
Blockchain-evangelist, visionary. Has experience of staging in several projects C(SONM, Humaniq, etc). CEO of the Russian Media digital agency. 8 years’ experience in Internet marketing and creating web services.
Norman Chou
Advisor Strategic Business
Norman Chou is an blockchain enthusiast and believes hat blockchain will impact esociety in the most positive ways. worked for technology companies including CDW Dell, and EMC.
Lyubomir Serafimov
Advisor Operations
Served as a risk manager in a number of firms in the financial services industry, built risk systems and processes supporting the liquidity provision of cryptocurrency exchanges, and developed arbitrage trading strategies. An economic advisor to the Open Trading Network project and a Chief Strategy Officer at a digital currency exchange — DCEX.
For More Information :
Author: gomes1
ETH: 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F
Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ICO, Uncategorized

LUXCESS GROUP – The first investment program with zero commissions and lifetime awards for contributors backed by blockchain technology


Initial Coin Ofering business


 Luxcess is to help people become part of a large investment family. On the other hand, the goal is to have transparent management and capital escalation for as many people as possible. We always believe our team of work, information and discipline is vital to success. We not only join investment, such as crypto trade, crypto trade, forex, silver and gold trading and start this project, but also will integrate the general public into big families, which will increase the profit generated. and provide a better tomorrow than all of its members.

Luxcess Group is the first investment program with zero commissions and lifetime award for contributors. LUXCESS GROUP is also called initial Initial Coin Ofering, which includes three types of income and will reward its supporters with lifelong gifts. This investment company formed the Royal platform, which is based on Blockchain technology.

Luxcess Group is the main speculation that subsidizes with zero commissions and a lifetime grant for philanthropists. LUXCESS GROUP is also called the underlying Initial Coin Ofering business, which covers three types of wages and will reward its supporters with deep-rooted blessings. The business organization is a royal fortress, which relies on Blockchain innovation. All speculators will have the capacity to store their documents to this stage, which corresponds to the PROFIT application. That means you will only pay commissions on the proits we will make. You can really control your capital. Luxcess Group will also build LXC currency fees, by incorporating resources into our business only with our LXC coins. Go with us now and we will be together tomorrow is superior.

Luxcess’s new team project is on four pillars, as follows:

1. System: We have been stuck in a very good system for years. This is a diverse portfolio of investments, experiences, and collaborations. A diversified investment portfolio and compensation, which works together well and provides long-term and secure income. Each Strategy has fluctuations. Thus, our team developed a system with more strategies, techniques and investments, and classified it as a whole to maintain constant income and client satisfaction.

2. Teamwork: Because it has been emphasized, the most important pillar of our vision is teamwork. Our team is bound by a common goal – the realization of the project we’ve started. First, disagreements and perspectives are put together and coordinated and combined into the best solution that will produce the best results for this project. For this reason, teamwork is indispensable to us.

3. Transparency: The Luxcess Group ensures the clarity and understanding of the whole story, as we believe that this is the only way to achieve success and general satisfaction. Our platform, Royal, will allow constant control over investor capital and will allow payment of the means or their increment. It’s important to remember that our team’s principles operate at low risk, which means that we make smaller but more constant and reliable profits, because we believe that this is the only way forward in the investment world.

4.Trend: Luxcess Group is a young innovative group, which stands firmly that it is always important to follow the trend. We believe that it is important to keep abreast of the times and get everything from new trends that will help client satisfaction and mutual success. We believe that we must learn from innovation, which is why we begin to train new personnel on the path of blockchain technology. This will enable greater success, satisfaction and profit in the future.

This is an investment platform with mere clicks, you invest LXC coins in the internal LXC index, formed by the success of the portfolio.
On top of the platform, you will have constant control over your capital, and you can, at any time, decide to raise your capital, withdraw parts or withdraw capital at no cost in or out. Here, you can check your current account credit, investment history, LXC coin prices, important information, and news about the Luxcess Group. The platform is very easy to use, but still offers professional investment. It will be available as a mobile app as well.

For investors
The purpose of The Luxcess Group is to introduce investment to the general public. We want to introduce it as an activity where people can get involved. Thus, ideas and platforms are fast and fast, as everything can be done with a few mouse clicks.

We are the first project to offer three types of revenue:

  • growth of coin prices,
  • reward if you get support from scratch,
  • and Royal Luxcess Trading.

Detail Token

  • Token symbol: LXC
  • Total supply: 35 000 000
  • Token Price: 1LXC = 0.15 $


For more information and join social media Luxcess now follow this link: for more information, visit the link below:







Author: gomes1

My Bitcointalk profile:;u=1662391

ETH: 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F

Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ICO, Uncategorized

GIMMER – Automated Cryptocurrency Trading Platform for All Communities of the World and Provides Excellence and Security in Investments



Gimmer is a decentralized platform (DAAP) for automated crypto-trading. It offers easy-to-use advanced trading bots that require neither programming skills nor trading experience.

Gimmer is ideal for both advanced and novice traders and investors who want to make money on the crypto currency, but do not have the time to look all day at the markets.

Gimmer simply connects to the client account, and then uses advanced algorithmic trading bots to perform operations on behalf of the customer – according to the parameters that the customer has installed. Users can create any number of strategies for trading bots, using a combination of indicators, security measures, and other settings.

After the configuration, the user can run backtests to see how his strategy was executed during the previous trading period – this is developed using historical data. In Gimmer, trade bots are connected directly and securely.

Inside the Gimmer ecosystem, all customers will be able to share information about crypto-currency systems, ask questions and learn from fellow traders in the embedded social network. Users will also be able to enjoy and evaluate content.


Gimmer has a centralized bot shop, users can share their bot strategies for free, or set their own price, as well as rent their strategies to other users.

Using trading bots on Gimmer eliminates the possibility of errors in people, avoids expensive emotional decisions and, most importantly, helps to remember complex trading strategies.

  • Users who publish their strategies in the bot shop will have their own trading profiles available to other users. Then, users can view and evaluate the bot strategies based on their effectiveness.
  • All strategies will be approved by the Gimmer team before being displayed in the Bot store to maintain quality and ensure that the store has profitable strategies.
  • All variants of bot strategies can be published in the store.
  • The store has filters that allow users to find the right strategy.
  • Filters will allow you to display strategies based on a user’s risk profile.
  • Users can try out any strategy found in the store for verification before making a decision.

With this system, beginners will be able to invest with confidence and ease, renting strategies in the store Gimmer Bot. In all the bots store there are live indicators that show how the strategies were implemented, and the ratings show which strategies are the most popular.


Free access

  • Suitable for experienced, intermediate and novice traders

24 hours work

  • Automatic trading bots work 24/7

Quick and easy setup of the robot

  • Trade experience and programming skills are not needed

Opportunity to share experiences and gain new knowledge

  • Integrated social communities

Guaranteed safety and reliability

  • Using the latest technology to keep your accounts secure

Trading on multiple exchanges from one account

  • The ability to connect bots on the largest exchanges, such as Poloniex, stock exchanges, Bittrex and many others


In the “Gimmer” ecosystem has its own currency form called “Gimmer” markers (GMR). Each purchase, lease, sale, exchange, reward, or fee made in the ecosystem will require the use of GMR.

Start of ICO: February 1, 2018 (12:00 SRT)

End of ICO: February 28, 2018 (12:00 SRT)

Available in token sale: 100,000,000 GMR

Hard cap: 35,000 ETH

Soft cap: 4.800 ETH

Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 2500 GMR
(plus applicable bonus)

Minimum transaction : 0.1 ETH


  • Week 1 + 20%
  • Weeks 2 + 15%
  • Week 3 + 10%
  • Week 4 + 5%


Road map

Q2 2018

  • Decentralize Gimmer and release as DAPP to make it cheaper and faster to use, and gives users the ability to run more bots.

Q3 2018

  • Connect to multiple exchange accounts and use Gimmer bots to analyze which exchange will provide the best bet for the sale of the asset.

Q4 2018

  • Create a bot for monitoring the credit market and offer loans in currency with better return.

Q1 2019

  • A simple application with push notifications to constantly update their performance.

Q2 2019

  • By this time, Gimmer’s functionality with 8 new exchanges

Q2 2019

  • Real-time testing of strategies for trading bots using real market data, but without the need for real-world crypto currency.

Q3 2019

  • Allow users to copy other actions of all traders, giving them the same potential for profit and loss.

Q4 2019

  • This bot is aimed at obtaining small and regular profits from transactions with a lower cost.

Q1 2020

  • AI-bots will have many interesting features, such as hybrid indicators and self-testing strategies, to find the most profitable ones.

Q2 2020

  • Create your own risk profile so that you can select the appropriate strategies and offer them.

Q3 2020

  • Combine the strategies of several trading bots into one portfolio strategy. You can make the portfolio strategy publicly available or make it available for rent to other users through a bot shop.

Q4 2020

  • By this time, Gimmer will operate with 8 new exchanges.

Q1 2021

  • This bot is an AI that will create and test different strategies and will recommend – based on your risk profile – the best for you most profitable strategy for trading bots.


More information can be found here: