Avalanche, AVAX, Blockchain

Caesar Finance – The Best Auto-Staking Protocol On The Avalanche Network

What is Caesar Finance?

Caesar Finance is positioned to lead a revolution in DeFi with the Caesar Auto-staking Protocol or CAP, a new financial protocol that makes staking easier, and gives $CAESAR token holders the highest stable returns in crypto. The Holy Empire will rise once more with $CAESAR CAP gives $CAESAR automatic staking and compounding features, and the highest fixed APY in the market at 153,617.5%, a daily ROI (Return On Investment) of just over 2%.

Caesar Finance is a developer based company focused on innovation that creates benefits and value for Caesar token holders. Our CAP protocol is issued in the Caesar token giving it exception benefits for holders of $CAESAR:

  • Easy and Safe – We provide auto-staking right in your wallet when you purchase $CAESAR. No need to move your tokens to our website. From the minute you buy, you are staked, and set to receive rebase rewards. The easiest auto-staking in DeFi.
  • A Fixed APY – APYs that fluctuate means you can never tell how many tokens you will receive. Other DeFi protocols pay out a high APY that can fluctuate by 90% in a day. CAP pays $CAESAR holders a fixed interest rate of just over 2% daily or with compounding 153,617.5% annually.
  • Fast Rebase Rewards. Other popular staking protocols pay rebasing rewards every 8 hours which means if you want to unstake you have to time it to get maximum rewards. The Caesar Auto-staking Protocol pays every 30 minutes or 48 times every day, making it the fastest auto-staking protocol in crypto.

The CAP uses a complex set of factors to support its price and the rebase rewards. It also uses game theory and human nature to determine the most likely habits of those who buy the token. Our development team has coordinated all of these elements so they work seamlessly behind the scenes. The result is a simple and elegant staking and rewards system for $CAESAR holders.

The CAP is as flexible as it is powerful and will be used as the foundation for a range of Caesar products, services, and projects going forward. Each will transform a different area of crypto.

How Does Autostaking Work?

The CAP Autostake feature is a simple yet cutting-edge function called Buy-Hold-Earn, that provides the ultimate ease of use for $CAESAR holders.

  • Here’s how it works: by simply buying $CAESAR and holding the token in your wallet, you earn rebase rewards directly into your wallet. Your tokens will increase every 30 minutes. It’s that simple.
  • Using a Positive Rebase formula, Caesar makes it possible for daily token distribution directly proportional to the daily rebase rewards, worth 2% of the token supply.
  • The rebase rewards are distributed on each epoch (rebase period) to all $CAESAR holders. This means that without moving their tokens from their wallet, Caesar holders receive an annual compound interest of 153,617.5%. Pretty crazy.


  • Auto staking : The CAP Autostake feature is a simple yet cutting-edge function called Buy-Hold-Earn, that provides the ultimate ease of use for $CAESAR holders.
  • Rabase Token : A Rebase Token is one whose circulating supply expands or contracts due to changes in the token price. This increase or decrease in supply works with a mechanism called rebasing. When a rebase occurs, the supply of the token is increased or decreased algorithmically, based on the current price of each token.
  • Risk-Free Value (RFV) : Risk-Free Value (RFV) is a separate wallet in Caesar’s CAP system. The RFV uses an algorithm that backs the Rebase Rewards and is supported by a portion of the buy and sell trading fees that accrue in the RFV wallet.
  • Treasury : The Treasury plays a very important role in Caesar’s CAP protocol. It provides three extremely critical functions for the growth and sustainability of Caesar. The Treasury is dedicated to buy backs and burns of the $CAESAR tokens when the AVAX/CAESAR pair supply is equal to or greater than 2.5% of the total supply.
  • APY : APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield. This measures the real rate of return on your principal tokens amount by taking into account the effect of compounding interest. In this case, your $CAESAR tokens represent your principal, and the compound interest is added periodically every rebase (which is every 30 minutes).


Overview of $CAESAR Tokens
$CAESAR is an ERC20 token with an elastic supply which rewards its holders with a positive rebase formula, thus creating the first autostaking and autocompounding token on Avalanche.
Caesar has implemented trading fees in order to sustain and realize an industry leading APY. If you want to learn more about our trading fees, click. https://docs.caesar.finance/token/usdcaesar-buy-and-sell-fees

Where can I buy $CAESAR tokens?

The protocol will launch on the Avalanche blockchain within 24 hours of the release of this article. To ensure that the launch is fair and transparent, no presale or private allocations were made. Hence, it can be considered a ‘stealth launch’.

To ensure you’re ready to go for our launch, here’s a guide on how you can purchase $CAESAR:
Buy AVAX (Coinbase, Transak, Crypto.com, Binance, Huobi, etc). The AVAX we want is C-Chain and you’ll most likely buy C-Chain AVAX, but if the AVAX you buy is X-Chain, you’ll want to create an Avalanche Wallet (https://wallet.avax.network/) and follow this guide to change the chain: https://docs.avax.network/build/tutorials/platform/transfer-avax-between-x-chain-and-c-chain/#transferring-avax-using-the-web-wallet

Set up the Avalanche network on your MetaMask account and send your C-Chain AVAX. Follow this guide: https://docs.traderjoexyz.com/main/welcome/joes-guide-to-avalanche/metamask-tutorial#connect-metamask-to-avalanche.

If you don’t have a MetaMask account, make one here: https://metamask.io/

Swap your AVAX for $CAESAR here. When swapping, set your slippage to 15%, and continuously increase until your transaction goes through. You will rarely need to go 5% above the minimum 15% slippage fee, but launch could require higher slippage.

That’s it, you can now connect your wallet on our app here:
https://caesar.finance/dashboard. You are also set up to receive rebase rewards every 30 minutes.
Contract address: 0x42d047534eef46FD68fAD3d74726Fe51be4eeb8F


Website: https://caesar.finance/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/caesarfinance_
Telegram: https://t.me/caesarfin
Discord: https://discord.gg/Hqsmbn3b5m
Medium: https://medium.com/@caesar.finance

Username: gomess1
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2643069
AVAX (c-chain) Wallet Address: 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F

Proof Of Authentication: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5392869.msg59777007#msg59777007

Caesarfinance $CAESAR #AVAX #Defi #Yieldfarm

banking, Blockchain, PDX

PDX Coin as a suite of payment and banking applications


PDX will allow easy payments in the metaverse without interrupting the flow of the experience. Whether you’re buying designer clothes for your avatar, buying music in a virtual shop, or playing a virtual 3D poker game, you’ll want to do this without having to go out or be distracted in a virtual environment. You won’t be using the keyboard or swiping a credit card — this is awkward and jeopardizes the continuity and integrity of the experience. Instead, you’ll interact in your environment using gesture controls and voice commands. Eventually, and perhaps in the not too distant future, you will use your direct mind to navigate your way, and use the metaverse. This also extends to how you will navigate and interact with the PDX payment app in the metaverse. Until then, you’ll be using our payment and banking apps via voice commands and gestures. When you run the application, a 3D visual representation will appear. As part of a crypto-to-fiat payment and banking platform.

Crypto-based payments will become the standard. In the real world, payment systems such as debit and credit cards take days to complete transactions and carry very high fees for merchants. Alternatively, cryptocurrency and blockchain payments are ideal means for metaverse payments due to their digital attributes, superior security, and ability to verify on an immutable ledger.

PDX will allow direct payments using not only the original PDX Coin token, but also many of the most liquid and publicly owned cryptocurrency tokens. broad, which will also be hosted on the app.

#PDXCoin #crypto-to-fiat #payments #banking #globalpayments #paymentsapp #bankingplatform #PDX #metaverse

Explanation About PDX Coin Project.

PDX Coin is the core of a global payments and digital banking platform built as a financial channel that enables hundreds of millions of retail users, institutions, merchants, vendors, and ecosystem partners to participate in the crypto economy freely and easily with instant conversion between digital and fiat currencies. . , and very low cost. Upcoming payment applications and virtual banking services will allow all major cryptocurrencies backed by the platform to be liquidated instantly, and can be spent at tens of millions of locations and online sites globally. PDX is developing products and services across the DeFi and NFT space, and also plans to introduce by 2024 a regulated platform for trading digital shares of most publicly traded companies globally, 24/7, as well as new digital share placements guaranteed by companies. this .

PDX Coin is a worldwide installment and an advanced financial stage that serves as a gateway to empower a large number of retail clients, organizations, merchant sellers and other environmental accomplices around the world to fully take part in the crypto economy in an open and effective manner. way with instant change and low cost.

PDX continues to emerge from the stealth, and executes its long term strategy across listings, product development, etc.

PDX coins are traded on XT.com and on Uniswap as its main market
PDX recently introduced its new staking DApp at http://www.pdxcoin.finance, allowing holders now to easily stake their tokens and earn up to 15% annual yield
PDX is nearing the end of its current development stage with regards to sending/receiving global mobile crypto-to-fiat payments and banking application suites. We will soon move into the final stages of app development, leading to prototyping and testing in real-world conditions, ahead of the public release of MVP Version 1 in the US, UK and EU, which is still expected in the last quarter of 2022. PDX reminds the community that the series payment and banking apps will also be fully compatible with metaverse from Version 2 or 3 onwards.

PDX will soon announce the first in a series of testing and launching partnerships with major market verticals, particularly in the travel, hospitality and retail sectors, which will add significant value to the project and the tokens traded. It may also involve a major investment commitment by one or more partners. PDX remains committed to the development and release of the Siberia Blockchain protocol after the release of Version 1 of the payment and banking application suite.

PDX, as a suite of payments and banking applications closer to release, hopes to advance discussions with institutional investors to fund massive infrastructure and launch fees for payments and banking products. PDX also remains committed to acquiring smaller US and EU banks over the medium term as part of this process, following the expected large expansion in the available capital base. PDX is also committed to completing the on-going application process for Electronic Money Institution licenses across the EU, and will duplicate this effort in the UK and Singapore, and possibly in Hong Kong.

Advantages of PDX Coins.

PDX Coin is a reliable store with significant value, trading mechanism and unit of record – PDX developed an internal banking foundation, which empowers any retail location terminal to introduce live iOS and Android supported apps rushing to get the digital currency basically as well as currency issued by the government. This works for vendors on the grounds that PDX trades crypto for the trader’s favorite money, which PDX quickly resolves, while simultaneously empowering crypto owners to effectively spend that crypto with interest.

PDX Coin will empower holders of advanced monetary forms or other publics to secure additional and also protect against the opposite price drop due to expansion, instability or downgrade of the money.

Metaverse Currency – Metaverse is a rapidly emerging 3D development, creating a huge equivalent economy that is expected to be worth trillions of dollars in the near future. In the metaverse, however, conventional installment techniques are not appropriate, and crypto-based installments will become the norm. Then again, cryptocurrency and blockchain installments are the best slopes for metaverse installments because of their computerization, unmatched security and capacity to check immutable records.

PDX Ecosystem.

The PDX biological system comprises of another worldwide full-capacity physical and virtual financial organization giving a full scope of retail and business banking administrations, a cryptographic money trade business with extraordinary characteristics and a reliable huge client base; and a trader installments handling business, in view of the blockchain, commended by a main edge exclusive versatile empowered contactless installments application.

The PDX installments application will be connected to an advanced financial stage, as well as a trade stage. These stages are intended to be independent however interoperable, empowering every stage to be connected to and open from the others, making it simpler for PDX to strategically pitch clients on one stage, to administrations on another.

PDX will likewise make its own custom wallet, incorporated into its installment application, with an exceptional client experience, including the entirety of the virtual banking and DeFi highlights that will be accessible. Holders will send tokens to a public wallet address, which can be gotten to as a QR code or long-structure key. The client will send the tokens similarly. The client experience would be indistinguishable from other surviving digital forms of money.

SIBERIA Blockchain Protocol.

PDX fostering another DeFi blockchain convention named “Siberia”. This new blockchain will sit above PDX and be administered as a completely decentralized and autonomous blockchain by an external body, like an establishment. The objective is to finished the turn of events and testing of the Siberia blockchain by late-2023 and discharge it around then. PDX Coin around then will move off the Ethereum blockchain, and onto the new Siberia blockchain. This will give PDX immensely further developed exchange and exchange speeds at close to no cost, and without the requirement for a go between instrument, likewise with ETH, to impact an exchange.

The Siberia blockchain convention is being fabricated in light of savvy agreements and open-source, and outsider designers and ventures will be urged to create and send off on it. The blockchain will be a multi-chain, complex, and sharded convention, empowering numerous applications and exchanges to be run all the while, with interoperability between various blockchains. It will utilize a Proof-of-Stake agreement component, and all holders of the Siberia Protocol’s local coin will have something to do with its activity.

Supported by energy resources.

Every one of the complete quantities of PDX Coin tokens made will be supported by energy resources and interests in creating properties with a total introductory gross worth approximating or surpassing the total worth of all PDX Coin tokens available for use. We want to turn totally to having each PDX Coin supported by units of environmentally friendly power creating limit, making PDX tokens an immediate portrayal of the worth of environmentally friendly power producing resources.


Token Name: PDX Coin
Token Ticker: PDX
Network: ERC-20
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 5 Billion
Contract: https://etherscan.io/token/0x6a8fee0E33Cb65a7E8D21BadCA62E87639ef74B3

Uniswap is the world’s biggest decentralized exchange, while XT.com has more than 3 million users and 30 million followers on social media. XT is one of the most popular exchanges in Asia, and is based in Singapore and Hong Kong.

The listing will include the first decentralized finance (DeFi) offering from PDX Coin. PDX Coin holders will be able to stake their PDX Coin tokens on Uniswapand earn a 12% APR with a minimum 6-month lock, and 15% APR for a 12-month lock, an attractive return in the current economic climate.

PDX Coin, a utility-based cryptocurrency that includes an in-development global crypto-to-fiat mobile payments app, announced today that it will commence trading on both the Uniswap decentralized exchange and on XT.com, from February 23. Currently, PDX trades on p2pb2b.io and Vindax.




PDX coin is one of a kind, integrating the Metaverse and Blockchain technology to provide an amazing immersive experience for users. The PDX payment application that is about to be launched in collaboration with the metaverse banking gives support to a wide range of cryptocurrencies for multiple uses. The PDX Coin installments handling engineering is totally new and the application will permit all significant cryptographic forms of money to turn out to be quickly fluid and spendable in huge number of areas all over the planet; accelerating the launch of the crypto economy to foundations, shippers, and other environment accomplices around the world. The simple to-utilize application will empower regular buys utilizing all significant cryptographic forms of money.

More information

Official website: https://pdxcoin.io/
Telegram group: https://t.me/PDXToken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PDX_Coin
Medium: https://medium.com/pdxcoin
Medium: https://medium.com/@pdxcoin2022
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pdxcoin/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PDXCoin/
Traded on p2pb2b: https://p2pb2b.io/trade/PDX_USDT/

Username: gomess1
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2643069
My PDX ERC20 Wallet Address on P2PB2B: 0x4868a8bdc04E70D0Fc5559AFe2C3af3e8e6EaD9b

ACCG, AccoinGreen, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency

AccoinGreen – A decentralised innovative payment network that enables instant and secure payments over the counter (OTC).


BEP-20 is a standard used by the Binance Smart Chain. It is a standardized form for Ethereum tokens and is designed to complement each other. The BEP-20 standard provides a standard for how a token can be spent, who can spend it, and its overall usage. While this standard is not yet used by every cryptocurrency, it is expected to become a widely accepted standard in the coming years. The current system is not easy to navigate. Typical transactions can take days to complete, and the account owner must add the payee first before they can send money. The payment system also incurs fees and taxes because of the intermediaries, and it is difficult to make a transaction on a timely basis.

AccoinGreen aims to revolutionize the payments industry by removing many middlemen, Although BEP-20 is a standard that can be used to create new tokens on various blockchains, BEP-20 does not have widespread support. It only supports Ethereum and the Binance smart chain. It is intended to drive mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies, and their inclusion is critical to the future of the industry. In addition, the AccoinGreen project is working to stop global warming and plans to support other green causes in the future. Like the ERC-20, the BEP-20 is an extension of the Binance Smart Chain. It is a flexible token format. Whether the token is part of a business or a dollar held in a bank vault, it must meet the BEP-20 standard. And the BEP20 protocol can be used with Binance Smart Chain to make transactions. The BEP-20 token standard has been widely used for several years. The BEP-20 protocol is a great way to develop new cryptocurrencies. In fact, the BEP-20 standard is now the most used token on Binance. Its purpose is to enable developers to create and manage different types of crypto assets. This includes Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Discussion of the AccoinGreen Project.

Australian Crypto Coin PTY LTD issues $ACCG, a family-built, operated, and run company in Queensland and registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. This is straight off inviting because Australia has some of the strictest crypto regulations, and the project is willing to comply. This is a hot-red token that just reached the public sale stage from a project that started in early 2021.

According to the white paper, the company plans to keep 30% of tokens and put 70% in escrow to be gradually distributed in the market and the token utility increase in the ecosystem. The project begs to differ from your average token with a quadrillion supply and will use 1% of the gross turnover to buy carbon credits and bring the world closer to zero net carbon emissions (hence, they have “green” in the token name).

$ACCG aims to upgrade payment modes in finance, e-commerce, and the supply chain. It targets the digital-world problems that demand attention, like the slow payment process, outdated payment options, multiple taxes and fees, harmful environmental impact by PoW blockchains, the significant carbon footprint of slow legacy processes, and the presence of various intermediaries. $ACCG sees the key to streamlining the payment infrastructure and fixing the above issues in integrating blockchain and crypto. First off, the project company wants to integrate $ACCG in its other existing ventures in advertising, e-commerce, social media, and payments. Later, it will seek wider adoption for its payment platform, creating infinite opportunities targeted at individual investors and traders.

In a recent AMA, the project team revealed that they work on token integration on several platforms to enable product and service purchases in $ACCG worldwide. According to a community admin, $ACCG staking kicks in January. The plans for 2022 include extensive marketing and PR, including audience outside of the crypto circle, in Q1 and expansion of the product lines into verticals in Q3.

This is the first cryptocurrency venture by the Australian Crypto Coin. They plan to issue more valuable cryptos and move them to a blockchain network of their own in the future. Their mission is to combat global problems with every new token creation with its benefits. The team expressed that they are open to suggestions from the community regarding the future development directions and invite contributors/ambassadors.

$ACCG has just launched. As you read this, its IEO is ongoing on Coinsbit and ends at noon UTC on January 18, 2022. See the link below, and mind that full KYC is required for participants. It’s nice to have new projects that address real problems, contribute to great causes, and make our world a better place.

AccoinGreen Mission.

Its mission is to change the way people do business in the digital world. It aims to improve payment systems in finance, e-commerce and supply chain. This cryptocurrency platform will eliminate many of the problems plaguing the digital world. These include slow payment processing, inefficient payment systems, and a lot of fees and taxes. The AccoinGreen Network is a blockchain built for the environment. The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint through its mining process. The main advantage of this cryptocurrency is its low energy source. Compared to other currencies, it is also an eco-friendly alternative. Moreover, it supports the most popular digital currencies. These advantages can help you make a smart decision about whether to invest in it or not.

Explanation of Using AccoinGreen.

  • Dexs and Trading – Trading on decentralized Exchanges ensure traders can buy and sell their tokens with low exchange fees, faster transaction processing, with full control of their assets. AccoinGreen exchange will provide a marketplace which will allow users to trade with very low exchange fees, faster transaction settlement and have full control of their assets. Also users will have access to derivatives trading, margin trading, and token swaps on the decentralized exchange.
  • Tokenization – One of the unique feature of DeFi is the ability to create built-in functionalities. Grand token is a digital assets that is built, issued, and incorporated on the blockchain. It is transferable between wallets of users with ease. Tokenization of assets involves representation of physical assets (Cars, artifact, real estate etc.) with a digital assets on the blockchain. AccoinGreen will support Tokenization of assets on the platform which will allow users to access, trade and store tokenized assets.
  • Staking – Due to the upgrade to Ethereum 2.0 which is scheduled to occur this year, users will be able to stake their Ether and earn passive rewards, either as a staking validators or providers. Also users will be able to stake their AccoinGreen token and get rewarded in returns.
  • Savings – AccoinGreen will allow users to lend their tokens with interest which will be paid at the end of the lending period. Usually it is much more better than the traditional method of saving funds, as the interest is much more higher with DeFi products like AccoinGreen.
  • Prediction Market – This aspect of AccoinGreen will provide blockchain-based prediction markets where users will be able to vote and trade on the outcome of events. AccoinGreen betting Platform will feature prediction markets such as sport games, economic affairs, election results, and much more.
  • Payments – Payments from one user to another will be securely and transparently executed flawlessly without the involvement of middlemen intermediaries on the platform. Without any doubt, it will create banking services for the unbanked population that really need to access Financial services.
  • Marketplace – The marketplace on AccoinGreen platform will allow exchange of goods and services from one user to another with simple clicks. Goods – like gold and diamond, and services – like freelance can be accessed on the AccoinGreen marketplace.
  • Lending and Borrowing – Lending and Borrowing has been the recent trend in DeFi platforms for the past years. AccoinGreen participants will enjoy amazing interest in crypto from providing to the lending pools. The borrowers and lenders are matched together via the AccoinGreen smart contract which calculates the interest rates based on the ratio of borrowed to provided assets.
  • Gaming – BEP 20 Blockchain gives the opportunity to the developers to incorporate DeFi protocols into the platform. BSC-based games will be easy to build on the AccoinGreen gaming Platform.

Asset Management – Without no doubt, using DeFi products like AccoinGreen, you are in total control of your crypto assets. AccoinGreen crypto wallets will allow users to seamlessly and securely interact with DeFi apps to buy, sell, and transfer crypto funds without the middlemen. All data are securely safe since it is only the owner of the wallet that has access to it.

$ACCG Token decentralized

Hence, it can be used by anyone. The currency is also compatible with all kinds of cryptocurrencies. The $ACCG token can be purchased and used in retail and other businesses. Additionally, it is free from any fees and has many advantages. This makes ACCoinGreen a valuable investment for those looking for a crypto-friendly cryptocurrency.As an environmental cryptocurrency, it has many advantages. The platform uses only one millionth of the energy that Bitcoin does. This means that the coin does not use energy at all. Rather, it is a carbon neutral and eco-friendly option. The powerledger network has been created in Australia in 2014. It has received $26 million in its initial coin offering. Its website is green, and it is compatible with the Stellar Network. It has a community-based model that eliminates many fees associated with cross-border payments and network maintenance.

For More Details Information:

Website: https://accoin.com.au/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AccoinCrypto
Telegram: https://t.me/Accoinaus
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/accoinaus
Whitepaper : https://www.accoin.com.au/whitepaper


#ACCG #AccoinGreen #Giveaway #ICO #BSC #AMA #aladdincenter #bounty


Username: gomess1
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2643069
ACCG address on Coinsbit: 0xe2701F59F73CAAc3e5C23629AaDB83F6F6364cee

POA Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5383231.msg59337839#msg59337839

Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FidelisCrypto

Fidelis Crypto- Defi ecosystem that rewards its customers for their loyalty.

Project Overview

Client reliability builds benefits, further develops deals achievement and takes into account reasonable development. A very much planned and professional steadfastness program can assist you with holding existing clients, draw in new clients, decrease turnover and drive benefits. … However, just 18% of organizations center their endeavors around client maintenance. Given the notoriety of devotion programs, they are shockingly inadequate. To have the best potential for success of achievement in intense economic situations, programs should improve the general worth of the item or support and inspire steadfast purchasers to make their next buy. An Extraordinary Faithfulness Program Has Incredible Prizes – Regardless of whether it’s free product, celebrity treatment, elite advantages, or money back, the prizes should be significant to your objective client. Well known items or new items are an extraordinary spot to begin while you’re thinking about what prizes to give. Steadfastness programs, supported by retailers and different organizations, offer prizes, limits, and other exceptional impetuses as a method for drawing in and hold clients. They are intended to energize rehash business, offering individuals a compensation for store/brand unwaveringness (consequently the name). Dependability projects should adjust feasible advantages as well as helpful advantages. This will assist clients with feeling compensated for shopping with your image, while giving advantages that they will endeavor to acquire. The most well-known reliability program models permit clients to aggregate focuses through deals or direct activities on your store. Clients acquire focuses on each buy they make, which can then be reclaimed for a prize to urge them to make a recurrent buy.

What is Fidelis?

Fidelis is a decentralised reward ecosystem which is designed to be the backbone of a blockchain based marketplace. It gives users rewards for music and video streaming, downloading apps, and uploading of files.

Fidelis is an ecosystem where Fidelis Coins and Fidelis Points are earned by creating and curating content for the community. This is achieved by building and engaging the adoption of the Fidelis Crypto Content Platform.

Fidelis is a project enabling people to earn cryptocurrency by playing, commenting, and interacting with platform that has been built by the Fidelis team.

Fidelis is an ecosystem for influencers and brands. Fidelis tokens are utility tokens that can be used to power the Fidelis platform. Each sale will fund the next stage of development.

Fidelis is an automated platform that provides its users with the required data and information on crypto projects, as well as other financial instruments. It is designed to help investors make informed decisions and thereby lower the associated risks while achieving reasonable returns in less time.

Fidelis connects people and institutions in the crypto economy with merchants, consumers and service providers. The platform gives everyone the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency rewards by participating in different activities. Fidelis aims to facilitate exchange of value among the numerous participants within the crypto ecosystem.


Fidelis Crypto intends to turn into a symbolic that can be utilized in steadfastness programs internationally. Here clients will actually want to gain admittance to cryptographic forms of money extraordinarily intended for dependability programs. It is trusted that with the Fidelis Crypto, clients will actually want to get digital money which is more beneficial than the point framework which once in a while makes it hard for clients.

What are loyalty programs?

Loyalty programs are those in which companies offer consumers certain incentives such as vouchers to redeem when they make a purchase, points, sample items, etc. Depending on the program, these units can be obtained from an independent product, from products in the same chain, or from several participating products. They allow the consumer to redeem these units for rewards, such as free goods or services or discounts.

Fidelidade believes that Loyalty Programs are the ideal vehicle for the world of cryptocurrencies to make complete sense in people’s minds and for a smooth landing in the traditional economy. All that remains is the task of incorporating small changes, many of which are just nomenclature in the existing Loyalty Programs so that people and companies can quickly accept them.

The FIDELIS Platform will be the place where the rewards programs that join will be located and FIDELIS (FDLS) will be the decentralized currency, with non-inflationary attributes, with indeterminate validity, with which the customer can earn rewards in one or more Loyalty Programs belonging to the FIDELIS Platform.

The Ecosystem

FIDELIS Ecosystem is challenging the prevailing profit oriented system and has created such a platform that in real sense takes care of it’s loyal customers and took the initiative to reward them of their loyalty toward the platform. The FIDELIS ecosystem has two Habitats. One of the habitats we’ll call the LOYALTY PROGRAMS ACCOUNT. There will be the accounts of the companies that adhere to the FIDELIS Platform and the loyalty clients of these companies. The other habitat will be the FREE MARKET account, within which the free purchases and sales of FIDELIS tokens will take place, following the laws of supply and demand, similar to how any cryptocurrency works today.


This innovative platform is taking along its users and customers and when the platform will grow more, the community of the platform that include users and customers will also grow since with more growth of the platform, more revenue will be shared.

The loyalty of customers is rewarded on this platform that in return boost its users to use this platform frequently as now they are eligible to get their share of platform’s generated revenue. That starts a positive growth structure in the platform and with more loyal users who are using this platform, the growth graph of the platform will boost and the platform will get more attention in the market and will become hot pick in the market. And that is called an organic growth of the platform that is possible by loyal users of the platform.

The FIDELIS Ecosystem has very low energy consumption. To start with, the FIDELIS is not mineable. The fact that an important number of transactions are carried out in the virtual exchange of FDLS for goods reduces the total energy expended by the FIDELIS Ecosystem substantially.

Fidelis Token Value

A cryptocurrency’s value depends on various reasons such as:

– Power spent on mining and carrying out transactions
– Well-detailed and firm project plan
– Rise in coin percentage stored by Holders
– Reduction in the amount of coins in an individual’s Ecosystem primarily the Free Market Habitat.
– The attention aroused by the currency in the Market
– Holding marketing campaigns consistently to appeal to and gather additional holders, partner companies and loyalty clients.


  • Token Name: Fidelis Token
  • Token Ticker: FDLS
  • Network: BEP-20
  • Total Supply: 990.000.000
  • Circulating Supply : 326.000.000 (32,93%)


Partaking of the reward programs put together by the Loyalty Habitat, individuals must get Fidelis token since it is the only means to for exchanging goods and services. With Fidelis, companies, loyalty customers, small and large scale enterprises can easily carry out daily transactions with cryptocurrency. Visit the links below for more information on the platform.


Web Link: https://fideliscrypto.tech/
Telegram Link: https://t.me/fideliscryptointer
Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/fidelisfintech
Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/fidelisfintech/
FaceBook Link: https://www.facebook.com/fidelisfintech
LinkedIn Link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fidelisclub
whitepaper Link: https://fideliscrypto.tech/assets/whitepaperfdlsing.pdf

Username: gomess1
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2643069
FDLS address on Coinsbit ( https://coinsbit.io ): 0xe2701F59F73CAAc3e5C23629AaDB83F6F6364cee

POA Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5382181.msg59266952#msg59266952

fideliscrypto #crypto #investment #fidelis #btc #cryptolove #inflation #moneytalks #moneyfocus #bitcointrading #holding #stockmarket #FDLS #Bounty

Blockchain, Edgecoin, education, Uncategorized

EdgeCoin – The future for smart educational payment related fees.

What is Edgecoin all about?

Edgecoin is an Educational Stablecoin that provides an open payment system for educational institutions where individuals can make education-related payments such as enrollment fees, accommodation, books and all educational spending via a decentralized application. Our platform further makes it possible for these transactions to be finalized at the same speed as the internet while utilizing full educational infrastructure.

Edgecoin is the world’s first Educational Stable Coin that provides an open payment system for an educational institution where individuals can make education-related transactions such as enrollment fees, accommodation, books and all educational spending via a decentralized application to be settled at the same speed as the Internet while making full use of the education infrastructure, regulation and stability of traditional finance process systems.

Edgecoin (abbreviated symbol EDGT) has one native token called Gradecoin (symbol GRTC for short). Gradecoin is a fuel token for the realization of Edgecoin network resource control, with a maximum total limit of 10 billion. There is no minimum GDRT unit and tokens can be subdivided. On the Stellar blockchain on which Edgecoin runs, 10 billion EDGT is generated, Gradecoins have not yet been created. 10 billion GRTC, corresponds to 10 Billion EDGT will be generated through an investment plan where a different annual payout percentage will be given based on the amount of Edgecoin purchased. If the EDGT is transferred to a new address, the next GRTC generated will be credited to the new address. When a large number of spam transactions occur, Edgecoin can be used to prioritize transactions and smart contracts with qualifications identity. Transactions and smart contracts with no qualifying digital identities can get priority by paying GRTC.

What was the inspiration behind the launch of Edgecoin?

There was a need for a payment system in the educational sector that everyone affiliated with the system cannot only utilize for payments but equally trust in making these payments. Edgecoin was equally introduced to not only benefit the educational institutions but also to reward the average hardworking student in the area of reducing his cost and also providing ways through which these students can earn. This is made possible through the “Earn while you learn” feature that comes as a result of the automatic mining of Gradecoin, a fluctuating token.


Current technologies or platforms do not provide a trusted and secure environment for making successful transactions.

Here is a list of current payment systems:

  • High transaction fees or taxes
  • Data security
  • Slow to innovate & Slow transactions


Through the use of blockchain technology, Edgecoin processes transactions through a smart contract based payment system powered by the stellar blockchain, resulting in:

  • Make transactions without restrictions.
  • Payments are processed immediately.
  • Transaction processing in a secure environment.

Edgecoin VISION:

  • There is no alternative text available for this image
  • Instant Transactions
  • Word .’s First Education Stable Coin
  • Global & Secure System
  • Allows you to bet
  • coin value
  • Cost reduction

Our basic and long-term vision is to provide a secure and transparent peer-to-peer digital payment system for Educational Institutions based on blockchain technology with the help of a DApp powered by the Stellar Network. To achieve our vision and goals, we are running our Edgecoin digital payment system. The combination of Edgecoin and Stellar blockchain works efficiently and effectively due to the following core features:

Eliminate the problem of slow transactions:
By using Edgecoin, it allows you to make transactions instantly.

Transparent System:
In our current digital payment system, there is no transparency at all. At Edgecoin, digital payments on all transactions are public and secure as transactions cannot be changed in any way due to blockchain technology. The unique features of the blockchain create a secure and transparent environment for all parties involved in the transaction.

Edgecoin processes transactions through a smart contract based payment system built directly into the platform. As a result, payments are transferred in a secure environment and this blockchain technology eliminates data security concerns. Going forward, we hope to drastically improve the digital payment system and transaction experience for educational institutions, thereby eliminating possible underlying problems such as high transaction fees, data security, slow innovation, and resulting in increased transparency and security of digital payment systems. in increasing trust for users.

The Potential of Edgecoins

Edgecoins has so much potential. It has impacted greatly on how financial transactions are performed and also aids in the decentralization of finance. However, one of the most significant impacts of EdgeCoin technology on education is the reduction in payment rates due to the absence of third-party agencies. EdgeCoinPay technology systems disallow the need for third-party agencies in transactions, eliminating payments of commission or bank rates. These transactions are encouraging reduced education payment fees, and increases the bargain power of consumers. One of the leading parties benefiting from this system is students.

Since its announcement in 2008 and eventual introduction in 2009, blockchain has successfully become the major hive for investors seeking to expand into cryptocurrency. One would expect that with the popularity and use of cryptocurrency, it has the full potential of blockchain that would have been established. However this is far from it.

here is our site: https://www.edgecoinpay.com/

The shortcomings of existing digital currencies, Bitcoin inclusive, is its limitations in the educational sector, where stable digital token is required for use by personnel working or participating in the education system. However a team managed by L.A Investment Ltd and supported by Girish Chandra`s University group, have studied the weakness in the current system. They have now successfully programmed a new Stable Coin which is aimed at filling the open spaces previously left in the relationship between cryptocurrency and payments in the Education ecosystem.

here is our site: https://www.edgecoinpay.com/

Edgecoins Token Distribution.


  • Token Name : Edgecoin
  • Ticker : EDGT
  • Kind of Token : Stable Coin
  • EDGT Value : 1 USD
  • Supply Max : 10,000,000,000

Most Stablecoins are associated with the value of their looking at fiat cash. For the present circumstance, the Edgecoin Stablecoin is associated with the most secure money which is the U.S. dollar at an extent of 1:1. Thusly, 1 Edgecoin = 1 dollar.

Tokonomics of GRTC:

  • Name: GRADE COIN
  • Symbol: GRTC
  • Supply: 10000000000
  • Type of Token: Custom Token
  • 1 EDGT = 0.05 USD

Why is Edgecoin a better alternative to centralized educational payments? Why should we switch to Edgecoin?

The current payment system employed by educational institutions usually involves a middle man or intermediary such as banks which charge additional rates for processing educational transactions. Since Edgecoin eliminates the need for an intermediary, the additional cost is therefore eliminated, greatly reducing the cost for the average student.

Centralized payments equally have concerns over the security of the payment data. These concerns are, however, eliminated with the use of Edgecoin’s blockchain solution. Transactions done on the blockchain are transparent and cannot be compromised and they are equally kept secure through smart contracts built directly into the platform.

Edgecoin Founding Team

Luke Arliss: Founder & Director of Edgecoin;
Luke founded Edgecoin and Gradecoin in 2017. He also co-founded and is still CEO of LA ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD (a crypto-based asset management company).

Armon Rabiee: Founder of Edgecoin;
Armon founded Edgecoin. He has also helped launch Gradecoin and also helped us create a highly economical PoS system.

Charles Douglas: Edgecoin Chief Lawyer & Compliance Officer;
2005 – present – ​​Founded Charles Douglas Solicitors LLP in 2005, now renamed CDS Mayfair.

Christopher Johnston: COO & CEO/Founder of Edgecoin Karma – Browser & Mobile Search.
A serial entrepreneur with a rare mix of technical and commercial skills. Inventor of Cast Iron payment methodology.

Girish Chandra: Edgecoin Partnership COO
Girish is the CEO of one of the UK’s largest private colleges.

Mohammed Hussain: Edgecoin Financial Officer & Investor
Mohammed is an experienced blockchain technology entrepreneur who specializes in trading cryptocurrencies to ICOs and STOs.

Adrian Gut: Edgecoin Partner and Affiliate
Adrian has over 20 years of experience trading FX and commodities for leading Swiss Banks and Financial Institutions.

Chris Hooper: Edgecoin Chief Compliance Officer
Chris spent 10 years with the Financial Services Authority (now FCA) & co-founded FTC Compliance UK.

Carlie Harris: Head of Marketing Edgecoin
Carlie Harris specializes in Digital Marketing. He is also a Crypto and Forex Trader for the last five years.

Shahbaz Husaim: Accountant & Investor of Edgecoin
Shahbaz is an award-winning accountant specializing in financial control and reporting systems, with over 20 years of experience.

James Mather: Edgecoin Technology Compliance Officer
Founder/CEO of several technology start-ups, including Iron Oak Security and Marble Grange Recruitment, and the London Business School Executive MBA.

Stephen O’Sullivan: Gradecoin Innovator & Investor
Stephen is a Gradecoin innovator & Investor, with over ten years of trading in FX and Crypto.


Edgecoin is also familiar with the advantage of education foundations only to repay typically committed in spits reducing costs and let alone provide courses that can be obtained. This is possible through the “Acquire When You Learn” feature that comes because mining is modified from Gradecoin, fluctuating tokens. By being done with a magnificent blockchain covered, Edgecoin and other related DAPPs customers will see value in a very fast and truly safe financial portion system from the comfort of their cellphones. An extraordinary blockchain will relatively allow the foundation of education to get constant financial trade without necessity for agents and completion of further costs regardless of medium people.

For more information visit us on below links:

Proof of authentication: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5347431.msg57573664#msg57573664

Username: gomess1
BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2643069
ETH: 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F

Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, EcoWatt

EcoWatt – BIG PROJECT – The Climate Change Governance Token Introduction

The modern world is developing very quickly, progress does not stand still. Every day new discoveries are made and fantastic technologies are created. However, more and more scientists come to the conclusion that there is a need to use renewable energy sources, since the resources of our planet are not unlimited.

EcoWatt is one of the leading companies taking Green Energy seriously. Moreover, the community has its own platform and tokens that have entered the global market. Every day, the demand for alternative and clean energy is increasing, which increases the value of tokens. The EcoWatt team consists of qualified professionals who have set themselves the goal of providing humanity with Green Energy.

What is EcoWatt?

EcoWatt is a socially-minded next-generation renewable energy company that aims to disrupt the green energy market by creating the first easily accessible community-driven renewable energy company dedicated to providing clean green energy to the world.

EcoWatt is setting up a renewable energy platform and issuing the EcoWatt Token, this makes it possible for the community to access electricity markets in the EU, invest in renewable energy assets, and create the infrastructure necessary for peer-to-peer trading of energy.

Mission of EcoWatt

The goal of the EcoWatt platform is to create the first self-sustaining community-driven renewable energy owner/developer in the world. Being driven by the community will allow the EcoWatt team to make decisions that value social and ecological impact higher than traditional shareholder demands.
EcoWatt combines renewable energy professionals, with Blockchain experts and social impact entrepreneurs.

Individually and as a team, they have built large-scale wind and solar plants in several European countries in the last 20 years. By leveraging the blockchain, EcoWatt enables investors, communities, and individuals to participate in renewable energy projects and facilitates a decentralized marketplace for renewable energy assets.

What is EcoWatt Token?

EcoWatt is native token being use on the EcoWatt ecosystem. The EcoWatt Token derives its core value from physical revenue-generating renewable energy assets. The EcoWatt solution is an ERC20 compliant T-Rex token developed by Tokeny and is released on the Polygon Network on top of the Ethereum blockchain.

Usage of Token:

  1. Token value derives from a physical revenue-generating model of renewable energy sources gives the Token a predictable stable value and income, that increases as the asset portfolio backing grow larger.
  2. On top of the asset backing and benefit of a revenue share, the Token will unlock additional utility as the portfolio grows larger and earns more income.

3.In the future, this asset backing will allow the EcoWatt to offer low-cost liquidity lending solutions to community members who stake their tokens

4.The pre-paid debit card allows members to spend their earnings crypto-based earnings freely in thousands of stores directly.

The Opportunity

The energy system is becoming increasingly electric and digitalized. With electricity becoming the central energy carrier, gross electricity consumption will more than double by 2050. Drivers of electricity demand growth include increased economic activity and the widespread use of electricity for heat, the emergence of renewable hydrogen, and a global fleet of EV’s.

More than 60% of electricity generation will come from wind and solar. Improved EV charging, electrified heat and hydrogen production can be used to store energy and match the variable demand. in the power sector and to provide flexibility for the operation of the system. The share of renewable electricity would increase from almost 25% today to 86% in 2050. About 60% of total generation in 2050 would be accounted for by variable renewables, such as solar and wind. Due to these changes, the global energy transformation is more than a simple transformation of the energy sector – it is a transformation of societies and economies.

Becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 is the objective behind the European Green Deal, the most ambitious package of measures that should enable European citizens and businesses to benefit from sustainable green transition.


Smart innovations can be turned into smart solutions using a range of digital technologies. Digital innovations (such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, etc.,) are increasing and could greatly impact power systems in many different, positive ways. The private sector will be a key driver for the energy transformation. Enabling smarter energy systems through digitalization (e.g., blockchain), to promote the coupling of private investments with greater electrification and to embrace decentralization trends.
The growing demand for renewable energy will bring private sector investments in line with public policies and ecological requirements. So far, the private sector is still growing in the development of renewable energy due to large upfront costs. Digitalization of these processes allows a mass application like a blockchain renewable energy platform for all activities related to energy – from independent investments in renewable energy and energy projects to a safe and fast way to pay your electricity bill.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions will ultimately depend on the private sector recognizing the inherent commercial opportunities. The more investors see that economic growth and fighting climate change go hand in hand, the faster we’ll be able to move to a clean-energy economy.
It takes 25 years – a generation – to transform an industrial sector and all the value chains. To be ready in 2050, decisions and actions need to be taken in the next five years. 


The EcoWatt Token derives its core value from physical revenue generating renewable energy assets. This gives the Token a predictable stable value and income, that increases as the asset portfolio backing grows larger. On top of the asset backing and benefit of a revenue share, the Token will unlock additional utility as the portfolio grows larger and earns more income. In the future, this asset backing will allow the EcoWatt to offer low-cost liquidity lending solutions to community members who stake their tokens as well as a pre-paid debit card that allows members to spend their earnings crypto based earnings freely in thousands of stores directly. 
EcoWatt puts renewable energy assets on the blockchain to disrupt the climate change movement by making green assets accessible to the blockchain community. By buying and staking the EcoWatt Token, the community directly participates in the growth of zero carbon power plants that generate power, earn revenue, reward staking and further increase the value of the token. 
The EcoWatt tokenomics is extremely simple — it is a finite supply of ERC-20 tokens backed by renewable power assets. The only way to mine 1 billion ECW tokens that will ever be issued is to physically build 1 billion Watt of renewable energy generation. So the basics are quite straightforward: 1 ECW = 1 Watt of renewable energy capacity during the Token mining. Once mining is concluded the growing asset ratio in relation to the fixed token quantity increases the Token value steadily for years to come.After the first oversubscribed private sale, the second private round with a combined target of 8 million Euro was launched on Tokeny platform on May 15, 2021 and will last until June 15, 2021, before opening the mining pool for the public in July 2021. According to the World Economic Forum, in 10 years 10% of the world’s GDP will be stored in blockchain, so it is very important to bridge blockchain and energy industries as soon as possible.EcoWatt is building the first community dedicated to the climate change movement, that will be able to make an impact independent of institutions and governments. EcoWatt does not plan to stop there. Next to growing the Token value by building assets and rewarding the staking community, EcoWatt will also re-invest proceeds into social impact and food security projects that will support thousands of families and plant millions of trees in cooperation with trees.org.
The initial target is to create an asset portfolio with a Token market cap of EUR 1,20 billion by 2022 and save 750.000 tons of CO2 emissions every year for the foreseeable future. EcoWatt is one of the few blockchain projects that have Tokens backed by physical assets that bring real value and strives to make our world better. And it is right around the corner now.


An allotment of less than EUR 100.000 is possible to fewer than 150 non-qualified investors per EU Member State according to the EU Prospectus Directive.
The EcoWatt Token will be offered via the Tokeny powered EcoWatt platform and will be later available at selected exchanges. Token mining requires a one-to-one ratio of 1 Token being backed by 1 Watt of Power. In order to achieve this, EcoWatt has arranged two funding rounds before transitioning into a public access liquidity pool for community members to purchase discounted Token claims.
A total of not more than tokens will be mined and released onto the Ethereum block-chain via the Polygon (Matic) Network as ERC20 T-Rex tokens.


  • Token Name: EcoWatt (ECW)
  • Total Supply: ECW
  • Block-chain: Ethereum via the Polygon (Matic) Network


  • Founders: 7%
  • Advisers 3%
  • Company, Team 10%
  • Community Mining Token•
  • Private Sale I & II 10% (4,5% + 5,5%)
  • Mining Pool: 70%

For More Information EcoWatt project:

Connect with EcoWatt

WEBSITE: https://ecowatt.io/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/ecowatt
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Ecowatt_
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/EcoWatt-110305757909105

Proof of authentication: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5339743.msg57284907#msg57284907

Username: gomess1
BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2643069
ETH: 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F

Blockchain, Buyzooka, Cryptocurrency

Buyzooka – Makes online shopping easy and inspiring and connects to 1.5 million independent online stores at once!



Blockchain and Smart Contracts have opened many doors to new decentralized businesses during last months. Now, with the emergence of decentralized finance (DeFi), a world of financial instruments is opening up, accessible, open and without permissions for anyone with a cell phone or a computer connected to the Internet. One of the topics that takes advantage of the use of DeFi is e-commerce, which until now took advantage of the Internet to provide people with a platform for shopping, while serving as a digital medium for transferring money and executing these transactions. DeFi, however, seems to provide more advantages than the existing centralized marketplaces.

That’s why today we are going to talk about Buyzooka (https://www.buyzooka.io/), a decentralized e-commerce platform based on Blockchain technology that erases the problems experienced by users on existing centralized digital platforms such as Amazon. Our technology allows e-shoppers all over the world to access multiple stores by performing only one authentication. Buyzooka covers more than 1,500,000 independent shops empowering the relationship and the digital link between shops and shoppers.

#Buyzooka  #cryptocurrency #blockchain #decentralization #bounty #Airdrop #defi #btc.

What is Buyzooka?

Buyzooka is a FastCheck platform that connects shoppers to 1.5 million independent stores to date. It aims to provide local shops with the same technology tools as Amazon-like marketplaces to give them back power through untied and decentralized mutualization. Our platform functions as software that facilitates commercial processes for initiating and executing transactions over the internet. Independent traders display their own products while maintaining their identity. Then consumers scour Buyzooka’s search engine to find and buy products based on their desired preferences, discovering a huge diversity of independent brands and retailers. Hence, fashion apparel merchants will be found through Buyzooka’s independent network by searching for keywords such as Clothing, sneakers, bikinis, etc.

Buyzooka (https://www.buyzooka.io/) is a fast payment platform that brings a higher level of experience to its e-shoppers, with the idea of being able to solve today’s real business problems.

The main goal is to provide support, tools, etc., to partners through an ecosystem of performance, reputation and other tools, so that they can improve the experience for their own customers. More specifically, Buyzooka aims to create an ecommerce 3.0 of products and services to give buyers better prices, transparency, help them in their decision making and compensate them for their purchases.


Every shopper is attracted to a site that have great pre-sale features, but no one is attracted by complicated site navigations, overwhelming options, irrelevant details, and stressful payment processes.



  • The checkout process of e-shop should only take few seconds. However, incorporating features that request shoppers to fill out the information on different pages or open new payment accounts tends to be strenuous and uninteresting. Even so, some platforms request shoppers to enter the same information repeatedly. And this, in turn, causes shoppers to lose interest. While slow checkouts are conversant with desktops, they are more conversant with mobile devices. A non-responsive e-shop is more difficult to use for checkout. Shoppers may be required to fill in both shipping and billing information. If they don’t fill in all the required details, they may be required to start the filling process again. Having to navigate the checkout process for minutes tend to cause shoppers to abandon their carts


  • Research has revealed that 85% of retailers cite poor payment experiences as the key reason for loss of sales. Shoppers are usually picky about their payment method because of security reasons or personal references. Hence, those who do not find their preferred payment option tend to abandon the checkout process. A report revealed that consumers in Eastern Europe and specific Western European countries like Greece, Belgium, Germany, as well as Indian, Latin America, and Russia were likely to pick the retailer payment option as the most important part of the shopping process. To them, the payment option is more important than options for delivery or returns. While most people previously pay with credit cards, technological advancement has given rise to different financial developments. Younger shoppers now prefer to pay with Paypal or digital currencies.


  • Ecommerce platforms have become treasure troves of personal and financial data for hackers. And for businesses, the cost of a breach (loss of data and customer trust) is usually damaging. In 2014, eBay was hacked. The personal information and passwords of registered users were exposed to hackers, thus leaving users susceptible to being victims of identity theft. Ineffective cybersecurity does not only ruin a business but can also make shoppers lose their financial accounts.


With the increasing volume of eCommerce, there is the need to provide a more reliable platform built on an unbundled, decentralized, fair and trusty model.

Buyzooka provides solutions to these problems by developing a nomad, merchant agnostic fast checkout platform that connects automatically 1.5 million sellers to date to potential customers (Holders).

Unlike general purpose shopping cart software that needs to be customized and maintained by developers, Buyzooka runs directly into the website HTML and requires no additional coding or development work of any kind from the retailer. It Streamlines automatically and off-site (Nomad) from sign-up to cart management and transaction process avoiding painfull check-out processes reducing cart abandonment through UX improvement.


Reaching the right audience for a business can be very difficult for merchants and business owners. The introduction of the internet launched a means through which merchants can reach potential clients irrespective of the difference in location. However, established eCommerce platforms have proved to be unavailable to merchants due to factors within their control. Other challenges sellers and merchants face include accepting multiple currencies (including Crypto ) government regulations, tax laws, and even customer support. Hence, merchants need to determine the right eCommerce platform to reach potential clients worldwide without having to deal with the problems associated with conventional platforms. Buyzooka proves to be a significant advantage over other platforms by providing a nomad approach where shoppers and merchants can buy and sell goods without payment restrictions, checkout difficulties, and borderline/financial restrictions.

What is blockchain and why is this technology so important?

The idea at the core of blockchain has been around since 1991, but it was only after 2009 that the technology got proper recognition, when Bitcoin was launched by the mysterious person (or even a group) called Satoshi Nakamoto. The true identity of Satoshi hasn’t been found until this day, but his technological innovation has succeeded in making the world reconsider the way we create and use money.

BTC transactions are peer-to-peer, which means that money flows directly from one user to another, without involving authority such as banks, regulators, or governments, etc.

This is as transparent and safe as it gets — all transactions are traceable, yet can’t be regulated by authorities.

This technology ensures maximum transparency, reliability and security of transactions. Blockchain can increase efficiency and security across a wide range of industries and businesses (financial sector, charity, supply chains, healthcare, etc).

Blockchain-based projects pop up every day! This is exactly the technology we are leveraging to create a unique product that will improve millions of lives with technology and new tools.

Main features Buyzooka

  • Reputation tools: Buyzooka allows companies to gain positive visibility through its trusted list.
  • Performance tools: fighting cart abandonment and highlighting the value of products, BuyZooka provides a fast checkout platform and nomadic wish list.
  • Partnerships: provide access to promotional opportunities.

Buyzooka aims to create more opportunities for the e-commerce industry.

  1. Popular Governance with Token Acquisition
  2. Mobile Experience
  3. Loyalty Program Reward
  4. Boost Local Shopping for CO2 Impact
  5. Nomad Fast-Checkout
  6. Voice Shopping
  7. Interconnection with Major e-Commerce C.M.S

Buyzooka Benefits

  • Fast payment nomad API: with the API tool, Buyzooka enhances fast checkout on your e-commerce platform.
  • Buy fast reward tokens: Buyzooka’s administrative system uses Ethereum smart contract technology via the Blockchain blockchain to eliminate the centralized system of e-commerce platforms. In addition, to promote transparency and equality in the e-commerce network, the Buyzooka ecosystem will make the governance referendum available to token holders.
  • Second-hand market in peers application: In Buyzooka’s decentralized p2p application marketplace and thanks to the implemented Blockchain network, peers can interact with themselves without the interference of a third party.
  • Token-Cured Registries (TCR): An incentivized voting system that helps create trusted lists that are maintained by the same people who use them.

Buyzooka Initial DEX Offering

Buyzooka Initial Coin Offering involves a fundraising scheme through which funds will be generated to actualize the aims of developers and build the global decentralized eCommerce platform that changes how things are done in the space. During the Buyzooka’s ICO, anyone will be able to buy the $BZOO tokens irrespective of their location.

As Buyzooka is a global initiative, the ICO will be open to everyone. The $BZOO token will function as utility token as well as a governance token and Token-Curated registry. Holders will be able to use the $BZOO token to pay for goods, exchange the token currency on decentralized protocol exchange plateform when listed, and use the token to vote and to curate list. At the end of the ICO, and Although anyone can sign up on the Buyzooka platform, only users who participate in the Initial Coin Offering will have a free lifetime access to premium features.

Total number of Tokens Created: 100.000.000,00
Initial supply: 40.000.000,00
Funding Target – 3.465.000,00 Euros

Token details

The $BZOO token will be the Buyzooka token, a native ERC-20 utility token, as well as governance, TCR and reward incentive token that works on the Ethereum network.

Token name: Buyzooka
Symbol: BZOO
Price: 1 BZOO = 0.06 EUR
Network: Ethereum
Token type: ERC-20
Maximum supply: 100,000,000 BZOO


April 2021 – Product Launch
Buyzooka beta release

June 2021 -ICO
Seed (in invites) from May 24 to June 15
Private sale: Opening on June 16 at 11.00 a.m. CET
Public ICO: Opening on June 24 at 11.00 a. M. CET

September 2021 – Blockchain
Smart contract implementation on Polygon Mainnet to integrate with Buyzooka operations for decentralized governance and fast purchase reimbursement.

November 2021 -Applications
Launch of Buyzooka Mobile app on iOS and Android.

Spring 2022 -P2P platform
Launch of B.U.N. (Barter United Nations) that allows Buyzookers to exchange items using the $ BZOO token as the unit value of reference.

Spring 2022 -AI Bots
Improve online shopping through AI-powered analytics.

For More Information Buyzooka project:

Website: https://www.buyzooka.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/App-Page/Buyzooka-Shopping-app-100530778532714/
Telegram: https://t.me/Buyzooka_official
Twitter: https://twitter.com/buyzooka1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buyzooka.io
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/54085946


Username: gomess1
BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2643069
ETH: 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F

Blockchain, Cryptocurrency

NetVRk – Blockchain-based social virtual reality platform.

Proof of Authentication : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5330162.msg56900026#msg56900026

About NetVRk

NetVRk is a social virtual world and platform, with powerful creation tools and infrastructure to easily make, share, experience, and monetize creations. With a focus on gaming, education and virtual workplaces, built around ownership of virtual land and assets. 

Virtual Reality (VR) іѕ а three-dimensional computer-generated experience thаt enables оnе tо ѕее а real-world replica оr а fully imaginary environment ѕuсh thаt VR wіll hаvе tо provide а huge amount оf content; otherwise, thе user wіll gеt tedious easily. Thе technologies оf NetVRk VWGen wіll create countless fully nеw immersive VR worlds. Thе simplicity wіth whісh nеw users саn create nеw worlds wоuld hеlр bring а variety оf content tо NetVRK. Content wоuld fіrѕt bе checked аnd thеn inserted іntо thе database ассоrdіng tо thе user needs. Thе machine algorithm wіll handle thіѕ core ranking аnd wіll bе supervised bу committed personnel іn order tо retain а high level оf user experience. Othеr users саn share thеіr comments vіа thе implemented ranking аnd rating system. Thе project uѕеѕ thіѕ method іn order tо emphasize thе uѕе аnd extra money оf individual users аnd material іn thе database. 

Virtual reality (VR)

Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that is similar to or completely different from the real world. Virtual reality applications include entertainment (eg video games), education (eg medical or military training) and business (eg virtual meetings). Other types of VR style technology include augmented reality and mixed reality, sometimes referred to as expanded reality or XR. 

Currently, existing open-source virtual reality devices operate with an end goal that resembles PC games that use a screen. However, instead of playing the game on the screen, they play on two small screens inside the wearable headset. In order for the client to see clearly the image on screens, which are likely one inch away from each, two or three centre focal points are placed between the screens and the screen. The utility of land is just probably as broad as the explanation of NetVRk’s itself. Other than having the choice to rent, lease, or sell land, landowners can choose to adjust the scene and gather structures using the in-game toolset. Customers would then have the option to have a social scene, an association meeting, or a canny appearing. Plus, customers can even shape natural applications or games using this identical toolset, passing on exceptional assets, waypoints, and objections. The cutoff points are really endless concerning what customers can accomplish in this significant system. 

Virtual Real Estate Trading

Users of the NetVRk platform will be able to sell their virtual real estate by providing total or partial rights of use to the purchaser, or leasing their land in exchange for revenue-sharing. Our system has the following rights-transfer features:

Permanent ownership transfer. This is a transaction by which the owner sells full rights and revenue-sharing of virtual real estate to the purchaser. Once the buyer has acquired the land, he/she can do anything with it, without revenue-sharing or other responsibility to the former owner.

Limited-time free use for revenue sharing. Since many users of the platform will utilize NetVRk only to play and create games, we are projecting that these users might not want to buy land immediately, or even pay for anything until they are sure they like the platform. Meanwhile, users who have owned land from day one may have purchased virtual real estate when it was proposed to early investors. These users can propose their land to active new users for use, and even let them appreciate it while making a profit and adapting to the platform in exchange for a “cut” from the revenue they make.

Sale with restricted ownership. If a piece of land is in a beneficial location and is potentially valuable, the owner can propose a better price to the buyer in exchange for a “cut” from the revenue generated there. Users can also make a profit by renting land to others for a restricted time period, then selling it (fully or partially) for a higher price.


With so much potential, what makes VR so far from the standard?

1. The Lack Of Material Is Of Significant Value:

A limited proportion of materials of significant value in the VR environment. Lack of all instrument arrangements made surrounding.

2. Entry Problems:

Limiting prerequisites and complex conditions for ordinary customers as far as the manufacture of substances. The cost of making an application is exorbitant.

3. There Is No Monetization Option:

There is no expected way of dealing with customization practices in VR, or for standard organizations to support the business.


A social VR stage with amazing instruments and create systems to easily create, offer, know and customize VR. The VR App Store makes it possible to create apps and experience them with others.

1. The Infinite Proportions Of The Substance Are Astonishing:

An infinite number of incredible and extremely thoughtful VR universes. We offer new and tiring interest in VR with a fast increase in buyers.

2. Users At All Levels Can Create VR / App Worlds:

Without specific data, customers can create convincing VR content for business or happiness with the use of NetVRk’s excellent multi-pragmatic pointers and instruments.

3. Monetization And Rewards For Help:

All VR customers will benefit. With all VR under one roof, the association really needs to support it through various transformation strategies.


Our Solution to the Lack of Monetization Options

NetVRk offers multiple ways to earn money with VR as well as rewards for participation. All users will benefit from the creation of quality VR content, and there will be an array of opportunities to profit by providing feedback, recruiting new users, and more.

With NetVRk, businesses can create and sell custom VR environments and earn royalties. Advertisers can easily place ads to promote product or service awareness and generate an additional revenue stream. Content creators can produce unique offerings and also lease or sell them to other users while earning an income.

Content creators will be able to monetize their output within a single global blockchain-powered marketplace. NetVRk predicts that the amazing possibilities we provide for our users will bring more and more creative participants to our platform, resulting in rapid growth for our user base/content in addition to enhanced interest in virtual reality as a whole.


NETVRK tokens can be used to buy assets inside the virtual reality world you are in. Assets can include buildings,vehicles, houses and many others to be found on NETVRK market.

Like in the offline world, land is also omething valuable commodities in the VR world in NETVRK. Token can used to buy land in these major real estate hotspots facing the beach, or right in front of town.

NETVRK tokens can be used to purchase ad space can be used to generate passive income and so be it sold to other parties for a healthy profit.

Tokens can also be used to generate Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), another way to earn extra income.

Another way to earn passive income with NETVRK tokens can be made via staking, which pays a fixed staker profit percentage based on staking their tokens on network.


For more information about NETVRK project:

Website : https://netvrk.co/

Whitepaper : https://whitepaper.netvrk.co/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/NetVRk1

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/NetvrkVR

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/netvrk

Medium : https://netvrk.medium.com/

Telegram : https://t.me/NetVRk_Official

Discord : https://discord.gg/baAhdCHUnb 


Username: gomess1

BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2643069

ETH: 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F



Proof of Authentication : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5330162.msg56900026#msg56900026


Virtual Reality technology has become very popular and fashionable in this decade. However, very few people actually know about the opportunities that VR opens up to the world. The advanced technology is able to provide extraordinary experiences and enhanced capabilities in the virtual reality world to the global users. NetVRk uses blockchain, as it can provide all participants with enhanced security, data persistence, transparent log tracking, and the ability to own virtual reality content in a secure and protected environment. although the virtual reality industry is growing at an incredible pace, there are still a number of issues affecting its introduction and development massively, alongside the social Virtual Reality platform NetVRk on the blockchain, with tools that allow you to easily create, share and monetize your creations. 

What is NetVRk?

NetVRk is a social Virtual Reality platform on the blockchain Virtual Reality is, the mark of actuality, during the time spent transforming into a reformist and uncommon development in the high-level neighborhood. Customers at present methodology the new experience of researching virtual universes. All they need is a headset. Virtual Reality is insinuated as virtual considering the way that it is as of now delivered using PC computations, and is in this manner not veritable. We should similarly make reference to that the verifiable setting of VR returns various years, as many acknowledge the starting periods of VR to have begun with the principle stereoscopic contraption envisioned by Charles Wheatstone in 1838.

NetVRk grants customers to make, share and adjust their appearances using a characteristic in-game administrator, refuting the necessity for any coding capacities or excellent data. The ability to make in-game assets, which would then have the option to be stepped as NFTs, becomes as clear as using a worked on interface. The game exchange is where NetVRk’s really starts to shimmer. Customers can buy, sell, and trade land, which is held through NFTs. These NFTs can be executed in-game or using a pariah site like Opensea.io. 

Virtual reality (VR)

Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that is similar to or completely different from the real world. Virtual reality applications include entertainment (eg video games), education (eg medical or military training) and business (eg virtual meetings). Other types of VR style technology include augmented reality and mixed reality, sometimes referred to as expanded reality or XR. 

Currently, existing open-source virtual reality devices operate with an end goal that resembles PC games that use a screen. However, instead of playing the game on the screen, they play on two small screens inside the wearable headset. In order for the client to see clearly the image on screens, which are likely one inch away from each, two or three centre focal points are placed between the screens and the screen. The utility of land is just probably as broad as the explanation of NetVRk’s itself. Other than having the choice to rent, lease, or sell land, landowners can choose to adjust the scene and gather structures using the in-game toolset. Customers would then have the option to have a social scene, an association meeting, or a canny appearing. Plus, customers can even shape natural applications or games using this identical toolset, passing on exceptional assets, waypoints, and objections. The cutoff points are really endless concerning what customers can accomplish in this significant system. 


With so much potential, what makes VR so far from the standard?

a. The Lack Of Material Is Of Significant Value:

A limited proportion of materials of significant value in the VR environment. Lack of all instrument arrangements made surrounding.

b. Entry Problems:

Limiting prerequisites and complex conditions for ordinary customers as far as the manufacture of substances. The cost of making an application is exorbitant.

c. There Is No Monetization Option:

There is no expected way of dealing with customization practices in VR, or for standard organizations to support the business.


A social VR stage with amazing instruments and create systems to easily create, offer, know and customize VR. The VR App Store makes it possible to create apps and experience them with others.

1. The Infinite Proportions Of The Substance Are Astonishing:

An infinite number of incredible and extremely thoughtful VR universes. We offer new and tiring interest in VR with a fast increase in buyers.

2. Users At All Levels Can Create VR / App Worlds:

Without specific data, customers can create convincing VR content for business or happiness with the use of NetVRk’s excellent multi-pragmatic pointers and instruments.

3. Monetization And Rewards For Help:

All VR customers will benefit. With all VR under one roof, the association really needs to support it through various transformation strategies. 


The NETVRK token can be used to buy assets inside the increased experience world you are in. Assets can consolidate structures, vehicles, houses close to various others that will be found in the NETVRK market. All things considered like in the separated world, the land is similarly a significant thing in the VR world inside NETVRK. Tokens can be used to purchase land in the astonishing property spaces of interest like dismissing the beach, or straightforwardly before the city. NETVRK tokens can be used to buy advancing space, which can be used to make a kind of simple income and be on-offered to various social occasions for a sound advantage. The token can in like manner be used to make Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), one more strategy for getting additional compensation. 



NETVRK tokens can be used to buy assets inside the virtual reality world you are in. Assets can include buildings, vehicles, houses and many others to be found on NETVRK market.


Like in the offline world, land is also omething valuable commodities in the VR world in NETVRK. Token can used to buy land in these major real estate hotspots facing the beach, or right in front of town.


NETVRK tokens can be used to purchase ad space can be used to generate passive income and so be it sold to other parties for a healthy profit.


Tokens can also be used to generate Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), another way to earn extra income.


Another way to earn passive income with NETVRK tokens can be made via staking, which pays a fixed staker profit percentage based on staking their tokens on network. 

NetVRk partners with social media blockchain app OMNI

NetVRk is proud to announce their newest partnership with OMNI, an all-in-one social app that utilizes the blockchain, and reward users with tokenized profits. Additionally, OMNI will be building their virtual headquarters in NetVRk. This interactive, virtual presence, will allow users in NetVRk to interact with OMNI and utilize it’s features inside the platform. A virtual headquarters will help users learn about OMNI, and give it a virtual base, to advertise promotions, release news, and unveil new features. The collaboration between OMNI and NetVRk will be a win for both communities. Bringing blockchain technology to popular platforms enables users to benefit in many ways, including decentralization, rewards, and interoperability.



For more information about NETVRK project:

Website : https://netvrk.co/

Whitepaper : https://whitepaper.netvrk.co/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/NetVRk1

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/NetvrkVR

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/netvrk

Medium : https://netvrk.medium.com/

Telegram : https://t.me/NetVRk_Official

Discord : https://discord.gg/baAhdCHUnb 


Username: gomess1

BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2643069

ETH: 0xe1f377f5B1c2C537485Cf0558793b5d4b9c3569F

Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, omni

OMNI – share content and communicate with others around the world


Today we talk more about interesting project called Omni App social media platform, information is not just a key element but has become a major means of survival for all and sundry. In the recent past, transfer of information and keeping in touch with family and friends have always been done using TCP and IP protocols until the invention of the blockchain technology by Satoshi Nakamato. Presently, the use of inter-connectivity and the related integrated technology in the likes of Augmented/Virtual Reality, and internet of things (IOT) have gone ahead to make available several means of communication and information transfer. The tokenization and digitalization of information is yet on and developing, but has been insufficient to satisfy the requirements of our ever-developing society. Hence, there is need for efficient ways of distributing information via social media, digital value and payments in the newly emerged crypto currency market.

About Omni?

Omni is an unprecedented mega app packed with world-class features and tools.

Within the app, you can live broadcast, share stories, create channels, chat with other users, transfer money, video or audio calls, sell or buy products in stores, create videos and photos with special effects, and much more. All actions in this app are rewarded with Omni Coins, which can be used within the app or exchanged for BTC on Polkaswap. Best features of several applications, such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram, Paypal, Shopify, and eBay. This is a first with AI Omni Feed Technology, which consists of a Vertical & Horizontal sliding approach in the same feed. The main aim of the App is to make life easier, guaranteeing a smooth user experience by integrating most of the important social media features in one place.

What Makes Omni Different?

Economically profitable for its users there’s a lot of money involved in the social media industry, and people don’t get it, even though they’re the ones who make their app valuable. The size of the social media market is anticipated to increase from USD 7.26 billion to USD 25.96 billion. Facebook ranks first among social media companies in annual revenue and has reported USD 86 and 2.9.15 billion annual revenue and net profit in 2020. And not a cent of that profit or any other social application will go into your pocket.

Omni, thanks to blockchain technology, it is a sight to compensate its users in the form of coins. The OMNI Coin is rooted in the company’s profits. Therefore, the application offers an unprecedented experience in which social and economic factors benefit the user.

OMNI coins have several uses, for example, users can send coins to friends via chat, tip their favorite content creators, unlock special features, buy supplies from the in-app store, send digital gifts, NFTs and much more.

Tokenomics and UTILITY Token Omni

  • Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
  • Early Backers: 32,000,000 (18 Months Vesting period)
  • Seed Sales: 96,000,000 (18 Months Vesting period)
  • Private Sale: 103,000,000 (12 Months Vesting period)
  • Public Sale: 100,000,000 (No Vesting period)
  • Team: 150,000,000 (30 Months Vesting period)
  • Tech Partners: 30,000,000 (24 Months Vesting period)
  • Marketing: 80,000,000 (24 Months Vesting period)
  • Foundation: 50,000,000 (12 Months Vesting period)
  • Community Reserve: 30,000,000 (24 Months Vesting period)
  • Liquidity: 30,000,000 (No Vesting period)
  • Ecosystem: 300,000,000 (Locked For App Rewards)
  • Circulating Supply on TGE: 128,250,000
  • Market Cap on Listing: $3,847,500

Sourced from Blockchain Technology

Blockchain, simply put, data is stored and managed by a decentralized computer network. It completely changes the way the world handles data and value transfers, allowing users to empower themselves, ignoring some existing companies that aim to exercise monopolies, such as today’s social media apps. Blockchain is trustworthy and secure. Everything that is done on it is registered and 100% verifiable at all times; it allows building a community of collaborators with the same goals.

The Omni Application Rewards System is built on a blockchain-based substrate, the tools used to create the Polkadot Blockchain. As a result, each user will have their own secure Omni Coin Wallet to control funds in a decentralized and 100% transparent way using blockchain technology. No bank is involved in handling or extracting part of the revenue; one of the most important features of blockchain technology is the freedom from such intermediaries. Users can freely exchange their Omni Coins through decentralized systems, such as Polkadex.

Earn Money

The distribution of OMNI coins is carried out through an incentive mechanism.

The average person spends 145 minutes per day on social media apps. This situation translates into a huge advantage for social media companies, and users find themselves spending only their time interacting socially with people but without any other benefits.

Omni will reward its users according to the weight and probability of luck when they perform daily in-app actions, such as following content creators or creating newsfeed posts. What does this mean? It doesn’t matter if you are producing content or just enjoying it. Everyone on the Omni app will be rewarded.

Built All-In-One

Maybe at this time, you need to switch between applications to enjoy its unique features. This tedious process can be frustrating. At Omni, everything you need is in one place. This application is considered to make your life easier, not difficult.

Also, if you are an e-commerce brand or business, you will need to create different marketing campaigns for different applications. This situation will never happen again at Omni, because every necessary aspect of a social media application is combined in one application.

OMNI Work Ethic

Omni’s faith starts with you, the people. Without you, the Omni platform would be nothing, and that is why Omni believes in wealth sharing. From corporate culture to Omni’s mission, the team is aligned with Omni’s vision and core values. The team is committed to sharing the Omni platform and all of its success with you.

Over the years, major tech companies have amassed excess wealth that has resulted from their platforms. Omni knows that the source of all this wealth is from the user. And that’s why Omni is a purpose-driven entity that focuses on people and enhancing the well-being of the world.

At Omni, they have integrated Omni’s faith into app frontier technology to develop tools that compensate users for using their Platform while providing a fun and trusted social media platform.

Omni Vision

It is Omni’s strong belief system that directly influences Omni’s vision for companies in the world. Omni aims to help facilitate positive change and financial prosperity, while empowering communities and users.

Omni Mission

Omni’s mission is to eradicate poverty by rewarding users, the people who give Omni its true value.

It’s as simple as breakthrough: revolutionizing big technology and social media with our all-in-one mega app. Omni launches a technology and platform with a concept that has never been done before.

Omni takes all the features of the world’s hottest apps and combines them into one platform. The only app you need to message, stream, share and interact with content and creators.


Omni App social media is used by business features offer business owners the leverage to grow their customer base simply by displaying their apps QR code for customers to scan and follow up their business activities, to advertise on Omni app. They can also be used by investors to invest in Omni Coin early, since the tokens give the owner of the project the opportunity to advertise on Omni app, their value will increase as the application becomes more successful. Therefore, Omni Technology believes that with a solid and reliable team and system, Omni app can provide the User, a Mobile and Social Media Payment Platform, secure and powerful, and gives Users a range of advantages and conveniences that can enhance their experience in using social media and mobile payment. Team Omni technology also believes that with systematic and professional development, Omni technology can build a better platform than similar platforms.

For More Information Please Kindly Visit The Links Below:

Website: https://omni.ai/

White Paper: https://omni.ai/omni-lightpaper-v1.1.2.pdf

Medium: https://medium.com/omni-app

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/omni_app/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/omniaiapp

Telegram: https://t.me/omni_app

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OMNI_AI

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OmniPeopleDriven

Author: gomess1
Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2643069
DOT Wallet Address : 141H4SRTcBFKAhGNcbND77X9AQ2S33B2FbeXtuwQ4CD6LqDz

PROOF OF REGISTRATION: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5322477.msg56741031#msg56741031